Sunday, November 02, 2008

Murtha Gets His

John Murtha's Fund Raiser in the Woods

Rep.John Murtha called his Western PA constituents a pack of racists, and is now in serious danger of losing his seat in the Pelosi Politburo.  He is forced to ask those same red necks to help him out with much needed campaign money.  Let the fun begin.  I'm dedicating this video to the innocent Haditha Marine this sumbitch slandered. Squeal sooooey, Murtha.

Marine vet at Russell rally: Murtha a 'fat little bastard'


AnnoyedOne said...

No doubt he'd squeal like a pig.

Anonymous said...

Nah, he would beg for more.

Army of Dad said...

I bet he will just get Barney Frank to help him raise the funds.

Anonymous said...

Award winning video; captures the essence of Murtha

Anonymous said...

That is extra special.

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