Sunday, November 02, 2008

Pastor Manning - McCain Wins

Pastor Manning Delivers Today's Homily

Brace yourselves Obama supporters and don't be tearing up shit. We got to live in this motherfucker after that election is over. Obama and Scoop Mouth are going to nestle their fancy asses in that ill-gotten mansion in Hyde Park. You'll be the one on the street. This all feels just like the primary between Obama and Hillary in Pennsylvania. All of the pundits were just certain he was going to win and she kicked that ass by 10 points....Now, enjoy Pastor Manning. --SUGAR


BlogDog said...

As much as I agree with the idea that BHO (peas be up on him) will ose, the pastor is wrong on the First Amendment. Only government supression of free speech is constrained by Am. #1. A private party, including a campaign is not constrained thereby.
It is, however, a good indication that when those people have the levers of power they will have no qualms about violating the Bill of Rights. Am 1 & 2 are in real trouble in an Obama government.

Anonymous said...

thanks for this. i am reminded that all blacks are not in the liberal back pocket.

cmblake6 said...

I've got Reverend Manning on MY site as well. I watched a whole bunch of his sets and decided THAT should have been Osamabamas preacher!

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