Monday, November 03, 2008

Obama Enforcers

Let's Play "Who's the Nazi?"

First, a 20-year-old College Station woman was convicted in Pittsburgh of faking a story about volunteering for John McCain and getting attacked by a tall African-American Obama supporter.

She won’t be coming home to the heart of Aggieland anytime soon. A court ordered Ashley Todd into mental treatment.

Now, a Texas A&M student group known as the class clowns of conservatism has staged a stunt that even their own faculty adviser calls "really dumb."

I love the way the Star-Telegram's  Bud Kennedy sets the Ashley Todd-conservative Aggies predicate for his story.  Pretty subtle, eh wot?
An Aggie student group held an "Anti-Obama Carnival — with the Soviet hammer and sickle added inside the "O" in Obama."  Patrons were offered an opportunity to egg a poster of Obama, but some students didn't like it, so in true Obama-trooper fashion they shut it down.

A surly student crowd saw them smearing Obama’s photo Wednesday with dozens of spattered eggs and surrounded the Rudder Plaza "carnival" to scramble it with more free speech.

According to photos and descriptions posted on the Web, a football player identified by other students as 6-foot-4 Aggies lineman Paul Freeney blocked the shelled photo of Obama.

A college professor at Northern Kentucky University, upset by crosses displayed by a campus right-to life-group,  urged her students "to express their freedom-of-speech rights to destroy the display if they wished to.”  The same thing happened last month on another campus. Cute, huh?  Your Second First Amendment rights allow you to trample my Second First Amendment rights. This is what happens to your kids when you send them to college. How very ... Stalinist.  


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I recognize no distinction between Nazis and Commies, (or Obama-fascism) in case you wonder about my apparent mixed metaphors.

Anonymous said...

There really is a differnce...
Nazis have cooler uniforms.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I was talking about circumcision.

Anonymous said...

Ya cant circumcise a never ending pr*ck.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Way cooler uniforms. That's gong to be the draw for most of Obama's new civilian militia. I'm guessing the Nazi cut and neato badges but brighter colors.

Anonymous said...

Starched brown shirts? No.

Colorful dashikis? Yes.

Anonymous said...

didn't you mean first amendment rights?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes, I was testing, and you won. A+

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