Thursday, January 22, 2009

This Current Reich

"I am concerned that these [infrastructure jobs] not go to white male construction workers." - Robert B [Third] Reich
Limbaugh created a stir by saying he hoped Obama failed, if his policies were socialist. Duh.   And they are.  Duh.  What's the stir?  Robert Reich knows he's among like-minded friends here, and has just described what we might expect.

Until someone can describe to me a process whereby honest elections, and a responsible media will return, I see no other recourse than, preferably, the secession of several states, or failing that, open general rebellion, as horrific as that would be.    White union nincompoops are as much responsible for this latest regime as are anyone, so good.  It's proper that they lose their jobs based on the racist doctrine democrats live by. Else they won't have reason to grab old Betsy from the closet and tell their union leadership to quit financing communism, or get a tongue lashing from a .44.

What?  Too strident?  LOL. Thanks to cuzricky for the tip.


Anonymous said...

WOW!....Just WOW!.........Pumping billions to those “others” in low income neighborhoods sounds like just the ticket to prosperity and I see how we can ALL share in the coming boom, with all that money floating around the ‘hood’.......Here’s what we do...let’s all buy stock in Mexican and Columbian illegal drug supply and bling bling jewelery businesses......We’re bound to make a killing...................Hey, wait a minute..will white male skilled, tradesmen and professionals be allowed to make these investments?...........Dang

Anonymous said...

Totally farking amazing.

Hey Dimshits - there is a very good reason that the 'long term unemployed' are LONG-TERM unemployed - its because THEY SUCK at their jobs or simply are too lazy to work.

In other words this dipshit (and Rangel) want the money to go _only_ to those who SUCK AT THEIR JOBS simply because they are black or 'minority' (and by minority I'm sure they don't mean people of eastern asian descent). Do you want to be on (or under) a bridge constructed by someone who can't hold a job without a government mandate?

Formula to get the funds to only communities which meet this criteria (translation: kisses Rangel's ass).

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from those who feed the entitlement culture. Did you see Donna Brazille with Obama's stolen inauguration blanket today?


Anonymous said...

They will be union jobs, you don't have to work, you just have to show up.

Anonymous said...

Gol Dang, who gonna buy me spinners for my 4x4 by next deer season?

Sheeyat Ya'll, Fashizzle I reckin.

Chuck said...

Race is now a matter of "sociopolitical self-identification." The Census Bureau now allows an individual to classify him- or her- self by as many, and whatever, "sociopolitical self-identification" classification(s) appeals to the individual. You can be African-American today, change your mind and be Native-American tomorrow, add Asian the day following, and toss them all out the next day and classify yourself whatever you please the day after that.

So I am now an African American Pacific Islander Eskimo Native American Latino Asian. When can I get my casino permit and cab license?

Anonymous said...

There is a reason that the chronically umemployed are chronically unemployed. How do make someone immersed in the culture of the victim even understand employment. That is, that the employer is in charge and when they tell you to do something it ain't disrespect, it's what happens on a JOB.

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