Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Goebbels Conspiracy

David Westin, call your office
Media punks run amok

In 1998 ABC NEWS fired veteran reporter Bob Zelnick, ostensibly because he signed a contract with Regnery Books for an Al Gore biography, a conflict of interest for an ABC reporter, according to David Westin.   That was the show pony.  Zelnick was under fire from media liberals for a previous book, Backfire, that cataloged the unintended consequences of racial quotas.  And this ... take note of this.
Jane Mayer is a pro-Clinton hack who writes for The New Yorker and who protested Zelnick's reporting on a show featuring Gary Aldrich, the author of Regnery's Unlimited Access. ABC News President David Westin agreed, writing to Zelnick that his appearance "held up to ridicule that our reporting is influenced by views you/we have formed about the individual involved."
Westin later had no such compunction about hiring Clinton puppet, liberal Democrat and political hack George Stephanopoulos to replace David Brinkley as host of This Sunday.  It was during a This Sunday interview that Stephy corrected Barry Hussein Obama's potentially troublesome slip, "You're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith."  Remember? Fast forward to the Obama White House, and this from AOL News. 

Biased: George Stephanopoulos Gives Daily Advice to Rahm

It was recently revealed that ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent George Stephanopoulos takes part in daily "profane" phone conversations with Democratic strategists James Carville and Paul Begala.

... Oh yeah, and the daily calls also include Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel.

As Politico reports:

Of course, David Westin will fire Stephanopoulos anon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I hear is crickets chirping from that direction...

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