Saturday, February 14, 2009


$164,000,000.00 !
In these times, you'd prolly have the same answer to "What's the first thing you're going to do with all that money?"


Anonymous said...

In these days and times.... Hire Black Water (or Xe, or whatever they hell they're calling themselves these days) to come home and help us free our country.

Word verification: woote!

Juice said...

As I recall, Dr. Hardoncrab, did we not recognize in previous postings that -he should- purchase his wife a damn BRA!? Those monsters on the loose could create a current fear of "The Blob". :)
Happy V Day

cmblake6 said...

Those breasteses are what keeps the wrinkles out of her face. If she wore a bra, what then?

pdwalker said...

mm....with all that money?

I'd become a short order cook just because it's something I'd want to learn.

What is better than doing a job because you want to, not because you have to.

Oh, and I'd buy some extra ammo for Rodgers B52 and some fuel so he could go practice with it.

Anonymous said...

Uncanny how much the guy in the video looks like James Coburn.

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