Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Rodge, I not mad enough yet. What esle you got?

The Declaration of Independence was repealed 4/2/09
More here

It's impossible to keep up with this government. If America doesn't take back control in 2010 -- Republicans, Libertarians. Goohs - any coalition of folks who hate us being turned into Northern Cuba must take at least 100 House seats, and every Senate seat, or the nation is irrevocably lost. Might be anyway.  Of course, there always this noogie stick  in the woodpile.


renojim said...

Living near Camp Pendleton I have the honor of rubbing elbows with a number of Marines at the local watering holes. They're pretty much in tune with me. When I ask them point blank what do you do when you know that saving the country means going against the commander in chief, the reply is always the same - a very telling silence. We're closer to CWII than most realize.

Anonymous said...

Noogie stick. Why isn't it the battle axe it should be? Eff'n-A Rodger, this Kenyan isn't just an interloper, he's lifted his leg on the whole damn country and pissed on our founding fathers, the current efforts and blood of our troops, in addition to: God, County and the American Way! *grrrrrowll* I'm madder than hell.


Anonymous said...

I want this to be true so bad just so Mr. Dinkus at LGF will be......WRONG. Oh, and we can invalidate the budgets and get some dough back.

pdwalker said...


But it's what the people wanted. Until the time comes when they stop wanting it, what can you really do about it?

It's taken just over 40 years to get here.

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