Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Katie Weymouth

Playbabies in the News Bidness

Katharine Weymouth, granddaughter of the late Washington Post Co. chairman Katharine Graham was elevated to chief executive of Washington Post Media in February.  We all know what happens when the kids inherit a newspaper, don't we
Nevertheless, it was Weymouth's idea to hold soirées for cash with Obama insiders, and now that it's blown up in her face she's gone to plan A.  Form a commission to investigate herself.  Sort of like CBS did after Rathergate, with predictable results.  Or Congress did with the 9/11 hearings.  The line between the Democrat Party, and their media allies is so fuzzy, it's hard to say which playbook this comes from.  A pox on them all. Pox meaning syphilis from all that inbreeding. Oh. Nice boobs Katie.


JMcD said...

Not thinking clearly...Got sand in her schlitz...............Get her a fresh beer.

Anonymous said...

I think Citizen Kane said something like, "I think running a newspaper would be fun."

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