Thursday, July 30, 2009

Solar Free Loaders

Green Freeloaders!
Today's Bwahaaaaa-haaaaaaaa

This is so ... so Obamaesque.  Not a day goes by I don't land on a channel lecturing about the joy of green.  Solar Panels.  Wind power. Hell, there's even a new Planet Green Channel that seems only to feature endless hours of the ubiquitous Emeril Lagasse cooking "green."  Don't ask; I haven't watched.   This story then, about a Colorado energy company ratcheting up fees on "solar freeloaders," is a knee slapper.  "Freeloaders."  OMFG!  Earlier this morning I noted, but not wroted this story about Wind Turbines causing all kinds of health problems.  Sleeplessness, headaches, nausea - all the same effects watching their promotion cause me. Touché!  Not mentioned in any of these articles is the one safe haven on all the internet from the Green Terror. This blog! Green Free for over a year.  Except to snigger.  Someday I'll tell you about my friend who lobbied congress for solar energy grant money.  You'll puke too.


Anonymous said...

On weekends I burns tires (tyres for my Brit friends) in honor of Americas green movement.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are right now trying to figure out how to tax sunlight.

Anonymous said...

El Paso Electric Company got into wind power with a wind farm east of town. They touted how this was clean energy and would lower rates. Then they "sold" the "wind electricity" to consumers in El Paso at higher prices than for "regular coal power electricity". As folks who are halfway intelligent know, the whole green thing is a load of equine scat.

Oh yeah, verification is psyeat.

Anonymous said...

Fit a generator to a stationary bicycle. If your kids want to use the microwave, play music, watch TV, etc., make them peddle. Power Co. can't see it, cuts down kids' TV time, gets kids fit.
Win-win-win all around.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

San Franciscan's green revolt? There's pushback in SF, read the comments...from, "Why do you still have a top-loading washing machine?"

Marc M.

Anonymous said...

So, YOU make the capital investment, and they get to 'tax' you on using it? Their distribution system (wires/towers/etc) is ALWAYS deteriorating and aging. WTF did they think it was going to do? Grow YOUNG and rejuvenate itself? Tards.
Hook you into doing something 'green', then hang you out to dry after you fork over the bucks. That'll teach 'em. [no, the greens don't learn. they already KNOW the answer to everything...]

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