Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Our Thugocracy

 Climategate: 'Greatest scandal in modern science'...
Call for Congressional investigation...
Paper: Junk science exposed among climate-change believers...

Obama: 'Step closer' to climate deal...

 ASIDE: Note to Cass Sunstein: Eat me. He's a double agent with an agenda, and almost certainly does not pass the natural born citizen test.  Barry has never had a single (name one) close associate who is not documented as subversive by the FBI, you included.


Anonymous said...

Here's something else to get y'all riled up.

Assault Charges for Capturing Terrorist

"Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it. Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers."

Anonymous said...

Reminded me of this.

We're "becoming more juvenile as a nation," he said. "The guys who won World War II and that whole generation have disappeared, and now we have a bunch of teenage twits."

Anonymous said...

We are becoming the twin of England where the law abiding citizen is the criminal and the perp is the victim.
Kitty C

Anonymous said...

they behead burn and hang us, and go free. we punch them while capturing them and get punished...
I am STILL amazed they didn't just roll a grenade down the pit that Saddam was hiding in. Or that KSM looked so good in HIS capture photo, well other than looking just like Rosie O'Donnell needing a shave.
A nation of wimps and worse wimps that lash out at the rough men that protect us.

BruHa said...

The unintended consequence is that the MFCS's will be shot just after "trying to escape" after a cursory interrogation (if any). (Doesn't make me feel so bad but we may leave a lot of Intel in the freshly shot out brain on the wall....)

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

Cass Sunstein is the ugliest bald woman I have ever seen.

David aka True Blue Sam said...

I know a Marine who served in several campaigns in the Pacific. A common order when going on patrols was to bring in one prisoner. Can you imagine the whining if today's media heard about an order like that? I can't tell who it is or he would probably be prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

New George S Patton speech: Iraq & modern world

Anonymous said...

What did that young Marine say in Fallujah? "He's dead now."


Alear said...

B-b-but Rodg, the Poley Bears? They're melting.

Alear said...

Ruh roh, now they're getting serious. (Juice, you may want to miss this one.)

archie macdonald said...

Geez, Alear. I thought it was impossible to be more over-the-top than Greenpeace's angry kid.

I was wrong.

JMcD said...

W-w-wonder if Obwana'll eventually g-give up in Afghanistammer.

Bob Ainsworth, British Defence Secretary, criticises Barack Obama over Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of a Kangaroo jumping in front of a train. However, just like deer, they love to jump in front of cars.

As as for the polar bear he was just trying to fly ;-)

Anonymous said...

Alear~~ HA! This one is just plain pathetically stupido! The polar bears was over the top brutal; the way Libs like it.


Gayle Miller said...

That mofo is lucky the SEALS captured him. Let a couple of little old Southern ladies capture him and he would have found his privates ripped from their moorings and carefully sewn onto one of his ears! And that's before we'd start hurting him. What a whiney child.

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