Wednesday, November 04, 2009

RINO Recall

Has the alarm bell been heard?

Semi-related news: SoCal Assemblyman Anthony Adams (R-Claremont) is facing a recall. The petition has collected 52,000 signatures - 36,000 signatures were needed by Oct. 13.

Anthony voted with Democrats to support a budget plan with $13 billion in temporary tax hikes. Petitioners said Adams had campaigned on a promise to not raise taxes.

Apparently it's sunk in that there may be a special election in January. Anthony's gone from being dismissive, to hosting town meetings with his opponents (I should say 'holding town meetings and daring his opponents to show up - they did), to writing editorial articles that more or less attempt to reinforce his credentials, etc.


Anonymous said...

Rhinos and Demos
$13 billion in *temporary* tax hikes.
So, let me try to understand this: You're in a hole and you need to get out so you dig deeper...hoping to discover gold? exit on the other side of a flat world? wtf?


Anonymous said...

John & Ken's "Tax Revolt 2009; Heads on a Stick"
radio KFI

hilarious -- and effective!


Kristophr said...

He's toast. A recall vote is the kiss of death for a politician, even if he survives it.

People remember it during the next primary nomination vote.

Chuck from Tacoma said...

When you are done with Brian Suits, send him back. We miss him.
We lost him for a while when his reserve unit went off to war in Iraq. Now, he is just stolen by you guys.
(be done with him soon.)
Just recall the guy and be done with it. It will help educate the rest of 'em.

Anonymous said...

Now, according to John Ziegler's site "", isn't Brian Suits supposed to be the guy totally addicted to porn....running it non-stop on the KFI computer screens? Has a lot of "interesting" personal info on John & Ken too. I know, i know.....HUGE grain of salt.

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Anonymous said...

Brian Suits was not the same after he came back from Iraq.

Anonymous said...

What! I love Brian and I called in once. Hil-ar-i-ous!

I miss him.

Bow shic a bow bow


JMcD said...

Uh.....somebody got dibs on the boots?

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