Saturday, November 07, 2009

Tom Coburn

Why We Love Sen. Coburn, Reason #325:
Dr. No Threatening to Have Bill Read on Senate Floor

Sen. Tom Coburn, the Oklahoma Republican who developed a close friendship with President Obama when they served together in the Senate, is threatening to have the entire health care bill read on the Senate floor.

Senior Senate Democratic aides had heard Coburn was considering having potentially thousands of pages read aloud in effort to stall passage. “If he did this it would be even outrageous for a guy who’s become known as Dr. No around here,” one of them told POLITICO.

Coburn’s office confirmed that he is indeed thinking about having the bill read.

Ed Morrissey thinks that this could delay the bill for up to half a year; I don’t expect it to go that far, but Coburn’s poised to be able to do one heck of a monkeywrenching job on the health care rationing bill for at least the rest of 2009…[ H/T Red States]
  How did one state manage to get nearly 100% of the nation's decent Senators?  WTF?


badanov said...

How did one state manage to get nearly 100% of the nation's decent Senators? WTF?

McCain carried all 77 Oklahoma counties in 2008. No other republican has ever done that.

Anonymous said...

I too have always been a Coburn fan, however, I'm curious as to why he's come out in support of Carly Fiorina against Barbara Boxer. Churck Devore is the conservative candidate, and has already been endorsed by Jim DeMint. Fiorina is endorsed by McCain, Kyl, and Snowe. Ummmmmmm, sounds like the "rino" to me....

JMcD said...

" heck of a monkeywrenching job ...."

JOKE: Obama is working on his LazyBoy chair and calls on Michelle to bring him a monkey wrench......After a while she comes in and hands him a glass of liquid......"Whaz dis ?”, asks he and she says, “It’s a glass of water with some vinegar in it”.....
“But I asked you for a monkey wrench”, says his baffledness.
“Well.....das wut I rinshes MY monkey wid.” says the F.L.

Anonymous said...

Anon, it's a strategic move. Carly is dumb enough, rich enough, and egotistical enough to think she can win. She can't, but she will spend her money, then Boxer will spend the D senate caucus money to survive. It will suck money out of other close campaigns and let us win in other places in the country. He's kicking a field goal, instead of going for it on 4th and ten.


Guess said...

Cause Okies are kewl.
(we make the gooners sit at the back of the bus)
O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A, Oklahoma STATE!
Coburn, Inhofe rock!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Been awhile since I saw mr Smith, what was it that happens after he looks at those telegrams? He looks disappointed.

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