Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Kicken' em while they down here boss


Curmudgeonly & Skeptical

Professor Ian Plimer condemned the climate change lobby as “climate comrades” keeping the “gravy train” going.

In a controversial talk just days before the start of a climate summit attended by world leaders in Copenhagen, Prof Plimer said Governments were treating the public like “fools” and using climate change to increase taxes.

He said carbon dioxide has had no impact on temperature and that recent warming was part of the natural cycle of climate stretching over ­billions of years.

If you have to argue your science by using fraud, your science is not valid.

Professor Pilmer

Prof Plimer - author of Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, The Missing Science ...  [CLIMATE CHANGE 'FRAUD' ]
 Can you tell I'm really torqued over this?


Spunky Texan said...

When are these hucksters going to be stopped, and "frog marched" to prison for fraud???

cmblake6 said...

Or lynched.

Anonymous said...

Of course you're torqued about it, Rodger, but why pretend that any of this surprises you? A quick search of your archives would put the lie to that. Why manufacture any more outrage than you had two weeks or two years ago? You knew they were lying then, now you know the details is all. Feel good instead. You're vindicated. "Who are the deniers now?"

JMcD said...

"NASA hiding climate data"...??? WTF?

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