Friday, March 12, 2010

In Passing - Suicide is a sin

In passing ..
My inner psycho burbles

I turned in Colleen "Jihad Jane" LaRose to the FBI -- A Jawa Report Exclusive

Pay raise sought for bilingual fed workers
The old "create a problem and subsidize it" gambit

Federal bonus bonanza
Not everyone suffers during this gummint caused depression

"A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of communism."
This is the famous opening line of the Manifesto of the Communist Party written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels   Guess what?

Joe Biden is an idiot
Wizbang saves me the time

Su casa es mi casa
The Zapata County sheriff Thursday was questioning why a Mexican military helicopter was hovering over homes on the Texas side of the Rio Grande.

One of these
Walmart under fire for selling black Barbies at half price of white dolls
Walmart under fire for selling white Barbies at half price of black dolls
Walmart under fire for not selling enough black Barbies

Registering guns in Maryland

The despot's heel is on thy shore,


Anonymous said...


OregonGuy said...

President Obama’s Department of Education needs 27 tactical shotguns

Anonymous said...

rollover = hurl

i need a drink


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how a Mexican Navy helicopter got away without a couple of hundred .30-30 rounds in it from Texans defending their State from a foreign military incursion.

Gerry N.

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