Saturday, August 28, 2010

CBS-No Self-esteem Remaining

Not Pretending Anymore


Aside: (RCP)
CBS News:  "I'm noticing that there are not a lot of minorities here today, why do you think that is?"

Black woman at Glenn Beck rally: "They're probably over there with Al Sharpton."


JMcD said...

Glenn Beck R(e)ally Attracts Estimated 87,000
Yes, really

Tom Smith said...

......per acre

Anonymous said...

Nice, Tom Smith!

Maybe their order of magnitude was shorted at the drive up.


wv: epipawn ?

cmblake6 said...


Hodja said...

Pat Condell on the Ground Zero mosque again:

Tom Smith said...

Same woman said I was like 3 inches too so who ya gonna believe!

Anonymous said...

Did the fucktards even bother to do a head count? @15% of the population the odds are the 'split' was about right.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

CBS NEWS is so totally in the tank that it's now the lowest rated in it's broadcast history. For the life of me, I can't figure out why CBS Corporation hasn't been the target of shareholder lawsuits for breach of fiduciary duties. Same thing for the rest of the legacy media who've shed viewers by the millions because of rank political biases.

Anonymous said...

I call BULL$#!+ ! The kids , and I had a GREAT TIME ! I got the feeling that the squatters that occupy OUR Nations Capitol are of the opinion that we had no business being in their city . It is nice to see the awakening of the sleeping giant . They think that if they breed like rats long enough , they will get the keys to the castle . Yesterday proved that we may not just give up America that easily : ) SMIBSID

Anonymous said...

Hope you didn't run into Harry Reid; he doesn't like
the smell of tourists in the capitol.

JMcD said...

Harry Reid doesn't like the smell of his upper lip....or Obungle's, and I don't blame him.

MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

I gurgled the words "beck rally lincoln estimated" and 87,000 appears to be number that was issued that afternoon by the democrats in a talking points memo to their lackeys in the MSM. Take into consideration this article on the 9/12 rally last year by CNS news and you'll notice something odd. The numbers put out on crowd size by the MSM is even smaller than their estimate for Beck's rally!

JMcD said...

" CBS News: "I'm noticing that there are not a lot of minorities here today, why do you think that is?"

Answer: Regarding those who ARE here today and those who AREN'T here know of course that they are ALL welcome.
I DON'T think that is true of some other rallies and townhall meetings that will go un-named.

Anonymous said...

On Fox News Sunday, Beck announced that he had hired private aerial photography to give him a accurate head count. He said he would announce the number shortly.
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