Saturday, October 02, 2010

Obama Pace Maker, er car

ObabmaCare Official Pace Car...

Boned Jello

I don't know where this e-mail originated, but it took some money to purchase this, paint it & haul it from Montana to Alabama . 

My friend saw this on I-65 in Birmingham AL a couple of weeks ago.  The truck is from Montana and they pulled alongside of it and gave driver big thumbs up.

He acknowledge us with a thumbs up.  Loved it!

Tim W


JMcD said...

Obamacare Official Pace Car being towed by Official Pace Maker.

Anonymous said...

Morning all! Love the hearse - very fitting signboard eh?

Did you see that piece of shit Rick Sanchez was fired? I didn't think CNN had the balls to do this. I have a new appreciation of them. After all he is Cuban right and they love Cuba and everything Cuba and um uh you get the picture.

When we are taking a West Caribbean cruise and sail by Cuber (as they say in Rhode Island and Taxachusetts) I look for any sign of trouble or even civilization. An occasional light or "fishing" boat but nothing more.


TimO said...

They should have found an old hearse that was rusted out and had flat tires.

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