Sunday, October 03, 2010

Too slick by half

Donald Duck Meets Glenn Beck
in "Right Wing Radio Duck"

Technically well done, but so heavily left-handed that it loses its intended value as agitprop.  Wish I was in the mood to re-edit it. 


Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

What a shot on us left handies. Hahaha

Anonymous said...

I thought it was well done. One of the best ainti-beck pieces I have seen. Wish I knew the original. I guess it is ainti-natzi prop judging from the paradfe scene.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The credits list "various Walt Disney toons ... "

toadold said...

It is real risky using Disney's stuff. They are notorious for keeping copyrights alive and suing for even perceived violations.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a Disney production :)

Anonymous said...

Now that would be a good law school copyright exam. normally parody has even greater leeway than fair use. Lets assume the author of this work got no money for it. It is pretty long, but if it uses clips from any works without reproducing a lot of one work, it is more likely to be allowed. There could be a tort claim like "false light" implying the Disney characters are Beck supporters when they are no such thing.Would someone think this is a real Disney product? I think not it is disclaimed at start and end. It is probably a derivitive work, making a new work out of elements of en existing work. Like if I wrote Star Trek XXIIV and used all the characters. Without coming to agreement with the creators of ST, I would be infringing. But I'll bet "spaceballs" did not have to pay Lucus a cent, parody. Lots of leeway for that.

Anonymous said...

I really HATE Disney. Whenever Mickey Mouse bumps up against the time limit for copyright, Disney gets its DC operation working and extends the term of copyright. The duration of modern copyright is basically the time since Walt created Micky to now, and it will be forever. I don;t care about they grasping the small value of their small character, but hundreds of thousands of other works that would otherwise go into the public domain and be available to everyone at less cost are also protected like Mickey. going into the public domain was an important part of copyright - protection for your works so you get rewarded, public domain after a term so the public benefits. Real public benefit - not this elites doing things and taking things in the name of the public. Public domain works are available to the public to use not elites in the name of the public.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand if a person creates something, what right does the public have to benefit from the creation of that device or machine-ever?
It is particularly irksome when comparing patent rights with copyright laws; 16 years for a good and useful device or machine vs 70 years past the death of the creator of a song?

Vesuvius said...

Disney (or Lucas) isn't going to sue over a parody that doesn't cut into their sales, but only adds to their popularity. For instance...

But it's true about the copyright extensions. A balance has to be struck between a creator having exclusive right to their work, and the public benefit from making it freely available. The copyright law as originally written was good. Unfortunately, Congress has been lobbied into creating a de facto infinite copyright.

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