Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Duh ...

I Guess the RNC Is Clueless

I wasn’t going to go there, but after this piece went up, I got an email from RNC Spokesman Doug Heye, who wrote:

We in fact did have a 72 hour program. Not sure why you would claim that we didn’t.

Well Doug, I go it from you. See this Roll Call article.


This brouhaha began after Red State's Erikson posted Political Malpractice: The GOP Should Have Had Bigger House Gains.  Since I long ago decided the GOP was not only incompetent, but a subversive political force as well, I'm inclined to agree with this at face value.  After reading it however, and in light of a limited but lively discussion on my "Rove elephant kills five" post,  I'm with Erikson all the way on this.  Also, this House GOP offers freshman spot in leadership rubs me the wrong way. It should be TeaParty will allow a few establishment Republicans to remain in the leadership for administrative purposes (announced GOP chairman Sarah Palin). Too much yapping.Long Live the Revolution.


Juice said...

Seems we're headed for more of the same old same old out of DC Reps. Expectations for some rock'em sock'em sessions remain low, here boss.

Anonymous said...

Relax. It aint over yet. If the legacy Republicans dont get it (or ignore it) and start to play nice with the dems there will be further blood letting. The people dont like the idea of guvmint health care but they really hate being broke. A perfect storm of sorts. And the clouds are still on the horizon.

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