Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pootie and Islamo MFCS

To Russia With ... Hate
  On that very day [9/11/2001], President George W. Bush began his address to the nation with the assertion that "our way of life — our very freedom — came under attack." He said, "America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world."

Certainly no one can say that about the Russia of Vladimir Putin, the former KGB operative who has done everything in his power to maintain an undemocratic grasp on power and darken his countrymen's opportunities for freedom — including his likely being behind the murder in London four years ago of dissident Russian journalist Alexander Litvinenko, courtesy of a radioactive isotope slipped into his tea.

Help me out here.  Was it Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising that had as it's plot a supposedly economically crippled CCCP getting aid from the U.S., while  preparing to send tanks into Germany?  Due diligence kept that scenario in my brain after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. But with the siege on old-liners holed up in Moscow's White House, I became a believer. [Tangential Obama discourse]  George Bush's Pootie-Poo show, very similar in retrospect to FDR's Uncle Joe attempt to humanize Stalin, was also somewhat disarming.  Today, I think Tom Clancy is back in business, doing what he does best; writing extremely accurate novels about the Evil Empire Rising. Oh. I love that Iran's sponsored Islamo terrorists are biting the hand that feeds them nuclear capability. Do it again.


Anonymous said...

'You knew what I was when you picked me up.'

Anonymous said...

Have you seen that our own young communists are planning a tour?

Anonymous said...

Russia has never, never, never had a tradition of free market economics or the democracy to support it. Crony capitalism to benefit the favored few coupled with authoriatarian government has been the Russian model forever.

I don't see it changing. Ever.

Brigadier Major Mike
Barn Army Historian

Anonymous said...

Close Mike, but a deuce too high to mark. Actually, it has been a continual pendulous swing between centralized oppressive dictatorial government and the evils of freedom unencumbered by the ethical ideals of Western Civilization since the Tartars rode their ponies across the plains to the Volga. As they say, with the Russians, it's either a mass or an orgy.


Murphy(AZ) said...

Ya know... and I'm just thinking here... with a rack like that and pig-tails, I just might be convinced to cross over to the Dark Side....

And some good Vodka, too!

Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...

Major Mike:

I have been reading Machiavelli's 'Discourses'. In several chapters he discusses how a once enslaved peoples (meaning living under tyranny.. not exactly slavery) once free will regress back into tyranny. One reason Mach pointed out:

Living under a tyrannical (amoral) society leads to an amoral populace. Without people voluntarily being moral people, following laws for the common good, no free society can survive.

The more I read Machiavelli, the more I see how this man figured out the human condition.

MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

Murph beat me to it.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Those are not pigtails Murphy, they're handlebars. Pigtails hafta be braided.

Anonymous said...

Not the rollover I was hoping for...

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