Wednesday, February 09, 2011

100 year bonds

If this isn't evidence of an
impending federal default ...

The U.S. government is now considering selling debt that would stretch out for 40 years, 50 years – or even 100 years, according to minutes from last week's regular Treasury meeting. With interest rates so low, there's a growing belief that the government could benefit from locking in today's borrowing costs by pushing trillions in debt obligations decades into the future.

Best of all, the banksters experts are recommending these long-dated maturities. (Doug Ross)

That's mind-boggling enough, but more boggling is the possibility of anyone buying them.  The only advantage I can see for having these instruments available is, let's say, if a government seizes everyone's life savings and gives them in recompense.  "Obama announces plan to ensure future generations, way future, enjoy the fruits of his stewardship." Ridiculous?  This is a ridiculous government.


Anonymous said...

401K? What 401K? We traded your account for these shiny new T-bills with a maturity date of 2111. You will be credited 10 cents interest each month for each $1k bill. You can trade them for cash at their maturity, just like a Savings Bond.
Just wait.

Anonymous said...

Another misleading message - like this one:

Barn Army Sous Chef

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thanks Angus, but let's warn NSFW

Best Pool Shot by a Naked White Chick

pdwalker said...


No, NSFW indeed!

I'm dying here boss!

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