Sunday, February 06, 2011

Can you love the U.S. and Obama too? Of course not.

Obama says people who
hate him don't know him

"The people who dislike you don't know you. The folks who hate you, they don't know you," Obama said Sunday in an interview broadcast during Fox's pre-game coverage of the Super Bowl.
"I've been the most scrutinized president in history," he said, "How can they not know me?"  What other president has allowed his college transcripts to be examined, his papers published, his class standing made public, his entrance applications scrutinized, his
Aww, Baby Barry
classmates interviewed? What other president wrote two autobiographies before he got his first job?  Name for me another president who's allowed the public to see his full birth certificate, and released the name of the delivering physician, and the hospital he was born in?  Who else has opened for public scrutiny his full voting record in the state legislature?  What other president attends church at least once a year? These people who hate me,  well I also have their records.  I know everything about them. I know what they pay in taxes.  I know where their kids go to school. My dear white grandma used to say, "Barack, s'good for the gander."


Anonymous said...

O'Reilly should have said, "Yeah I know the feeling, so does Limbaugh and Beck... FEEL BETTER PUNK?"

Anonymous said...

A. I know EXACTLY who he is.

B. I dont hate him, I fear what he might do to thia great country and by extension, me.

C. Screw him and the horse he rode in on!


Anonymous said...

"What they hate is whatever funhouse mirror image of you that's out there. They don't know you."

Oh yes we do too know you and that isn't a funhouse mirror image you've been projecting. Would that it was.


Kristophr said...

I don't hate Obama.

I also wouldn't hate a rattlesnake I happened to find in my tent.

Neither of these critters rate a good solid hate. They just are what they are.

If I can find a safe non-violent method to remove the snake from my tent, I will do so. The 2012 election will probably do that.

Anonymous said...

the bamster pulled that line out of lincoln. " If I don't like someone that means I need to get to know them better" something along those lines.

Not even original.

If he wants to be compared to anyone it should be carter.

This is a video that had an ad on drudge. It is kinda worrying. And yes, he is selling something. But all the same...

bocopro said...

I gotta go with The Godfather on this one: Never hate your enemies, it affects your judgment.

To hate Ovarmint would be to waste my emotional energies. Now don’t misunderstand -- my not HATing him in no way diminishes my contempt for him, my suspicion for his agenda, my distrust of his words, my aversion to his policies, my disrespect for his hypocrisy, my disapproval of his decisions, my antipathy for his abilities, my censure of his diplomacy, my revulsion for his narcissism, my condemnation of his arrogance, my disdain for his infidelity, my scorn for his ignorance, my disregard for his value, my derision for his work ethic, my mistrust of his faith . . . . .

No, I don’t hate the halfrican -- I don’t have time.

Anonymous said...

"The people who dislike you don't know you..."
I guess he wouldn't recognize this as something your mommy tells ya when ya come home from 2nd grade in tears. . .


[wonder who told him that?]

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