Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Is there a Creator? - What if ...

What if ...?

In the "Is There a Creator" episode of Through the Wormhole, there seems to be a consensus that, yes there is, but of what form and genesis?  One that intrigues me, from a philosophical pov, is that God is a computer geek genius.  As an erstwhile Sim-City enthusiast, from the days when it ran in DOS, I readily accepted creator  Will Wright as an exemplar.  But, the computer analogy took me to a troubling place; an epiphanal  moment where something I accepted, albeit somewhat nebulously, or absentmindedly, became starkly real.  God the computer geek can push a button and  print the spreadsheet of my life, in the most minute detail, during my last heartbeat.  Depending on the result, and with unyielding and impersonal adherence to the program, a disposition will be made. Case closed.  Holy shit.

Aside:  I always felt that public officials should be made to play Sim City until they successfully created a working city the size of the area they represented.  In that manner, our lawmakers would at least have some exposure to the role taxation, immigration, crime and infrastructure play, and none of them could possibly remain a  Democrat (as we know them today).  Those who did would be exposed as having an agenda not in the public interest, and be sent to the electric chair.


Anonymous said...

Thank God for his grace. Otherwise we're all doomed.

Anonymous said...

Years ago when computers where in their infancy Andrew Greely wrote a book called God Game about being able to control a civilzation by using ones computer. A very good read even if the computer info is long outdated.

Anonymous said...

Hope HE has a really good UPS and a backup copy of all of HIS "documents".

I was intrigued by the experiment of brain stimulation on the young nursing student. All-in-all I can't get away from some kind of intellegent design scenario. I can't accept that all of this is the product of random accidents.

Guess I'm not smart enough to an atheist.

Brigadier Major Mike

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Guess I'm not smart enough to an atheist.

me neither.

Anonymous said...

RE: but of what form and genesis?

That's why the 10 Commandments starts with the statements that I Am God and you better not try to fit Me into any form or idol. How can you put boundaries on Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence? God Is: appreciate it, dwell in it.


BlogDog said...

I don't mind atheists but most of those I've known who call themselves "atheists" would more accurately be called theophobes.

Anonymous said...

Aside: I always felt that public officials should be made to play Sim City until they successfully created a working city the size of the area they represented. In that manner, our lawmakers would at least have some exposure to the role taxation, immigration, crime and infrastructure play, and none of them could possibly remain a Democrat (as we know them today). Those who did would be exposed as having an agenda not in the public interest, and be sent to the electric chair.

Those that play it and stay demo craps used the cheat codes.


CDR J said...

Brigadier Major, I agree - from a probability viewpoint, if the chance of each useful mutation is, say 1 in 10 million ( a very high number actually), the probability of two useful mutations is 1 in 10 to the 14th power). The probability of 3 useful mutations would be 1 in 10 to the 21st power - that's 1 followed by 21 zeroes.) The chances that all the useful mutations happened, and in individual organisms who happened to survive, are infinitesimal.

george said...

Oh yea well how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. What Laurence said. We are all on the same team no matter how HE managed it. Just happy and thankful he lets me a part of it all.

Anonymous said...

If our universe is really a computer simulation, who do I talk to about getting some cheat codes?

Larry in Rochester

Anonymous said...

Im an agnostic I think, altho sometimes I believe there is a god in the form of a giant hunk of Gouda cheese.....

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