Saturday, June 04, 2011

Ink jet Printer. Digital camera. One device.

Attention Entrepreneurs

  Compact, easy and fun the PrintBrush™ 4X6 is the first of its kind. A pocket-sized printer with a built-in camera.
Featuring PrintDreams de RMPT™ Full technology, it will print in color directly onto virtually any surface
Hold it in your hand and sweep back and forth -just like a brush!.
What I've been looking for.  I'll grab a few of these, and when the SHTF  disappear into the Amazon rain forest where I'll soon be a god to one of those tribes nobody's ever heard of.  Bwahahahahaaaaaa! Yes, I'll lounge around all day while lovely bare bosomed maidens feed me monkey brains and fat grubs. Bwahahahahaaaaa.!  Eat me Obama.


Anonymous said...

"the first ... blah blah blah"

Polaroid Land Camera .."first sold to the public in November, 1948."

*I* was just a babe in diapers, and these twits think they have come up with something new.


B....... said...

I'm thinking a Delible Tattoo shop on Venice Beach catering to metrosexual bikers.......

Esteve said...

Roger, I'm sure that you used to look at the pictures in National Geographic. Those Amazon maidens generally are not that lovely.

DougM said...

Jungle god?
I'm takin' a couple lighters, a mirror, an almanac for eclipses, and a notarized letter certifying that I taste terrible and have no nutritional value.

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