Saturday, June 04, 2011

Going, Going, GOOGLE

The Horror
How Facebook Can Put Google Out of Business 

  And that’s why I used to think that Google was unstoppable.

Until I realized one very important thing: despite the fact that Google goes to great lengths to keep its index fresh by indexing pages that often change every hour, or even every few minutes, and despite its efforts at realtime search (including searching the Twitter firehose), its dominant dataset is dead, while the Web is—each day more so than the last—vibrantly and energetically alive.

Indeed, Google’s revered and unparalleled dataset is increasingly dating itself as an ossified relic akin to the Dead Sea Scrolls—outshined by the freshness of the living, breathing organism that is the social Web. [Tech Crunch]
Oh Lord.  I can see it coming.  Since Google's my landlord here on Blogspot, the first thing they'll do when their dance of death begins is make me start paying rent. And what choice will I have but pay it?  But that won't be enough to keep Google from going the way of AOL, so what happens next?  That's right.  Huffington Post will buy You Tube and Blogger, and I'll have to pay Arianna! Or go to Facebook.  Oh Geez.  I'm going to bed instead.


toadold said...

Face Book is facing problems. Lousy security on members data and the twit in charge recently said no more political organizing on it, unless you are a Liberal of course. Nasty tea party types and rabid Jihadis not allowed. A lot of the traffic to BING comes from disgust at google's managent moves. A lot of people use BING instead of Google as a political protest. Google could see new management and a possible spin off companies it has acquired. Facebook could get wiped by a new politically neutral company with better security. IMHO

Anonymous said...

I'm with you toad. Look at how Christie Whitman almost screwed ebay into the ground. It is possible to kill the goose, and nobody does it better than the biz school kids.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Well it was a fun story. Right? RIGHT?!? Don't go making the host look bad guys. :D

pdwalker said...

Host your own site, so you control it and not someone else.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

This is my own site (uh- I was joking)

toadold said...

Well I use the Blogger for my comment ID since it is so widely accepted. I'm just a bit worried that Google might mess up Blogger and I'm a Gmail user also. I've got back up software for a different mail system that I hope I don't have to use and go through all the fuss and feathers of changing pass words and sending out Email address changes.

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