Thursday, July 07, 2011

Obama, Van Jones, Dohrn, Soros and Jummy Carter in the same breath

Projectile Diarrhea Alert

Obama, Van Jones, Bernardine Dohrn, George Soros and Jummy Carter in the same sentence

Load the shotgun and bar the doors

  Crime reporter and blogger Tina Trent says that President Obama’s intervention on behalf of an illegal alien killer can be traced back to a 2003 conference that featured Bernardine Dohrn, Van Jones, and representatives of the Soros-funded Open Society Institute. “The purpose of the conference was to fin
Obama-Dohrn-Soros-Holder on the dock
d ways to insinuate international (read: United Nations) laws and resolutions in American legal arenas, as Sandra Babcock is attempting to do to free her client, Humberto Leal,” Trent reports on her blog.

If President Obama, his friend Bernardine Dohrn, and Jimmy Carter get their way, the police are going to find their hands tied in ten different ways, and our criminal justice system will soon be utterly subservient to whatever the hell they dream up at the U.N.,” Trent says of the Obama Administration’s intervention in the case. [full vomit bag]


Skoonj said...

If they want Leal, they can have him AFTER the execution.

Anonymous said...

Rick Perry should use his LCP on him. The Mexicans at least would understand that.

cmblake6 said...

Is the penalty for treason not death?

Jess said...

Let him go, but put the name of any person in this administration in a hat and the name drawn gets to take his place.

rickn8or said...

Release him, and he goes to live with Sandra Babcock. She's responsible for any future violations.

Anonymous said...

Leal's been executed. Good riddance.
May his victim's family find some peace.

Skoonj said...

Drop Leal's body on the White House lawn. Or maybe GW Bush's front lawn. Bush became part of the slime who tried to get Leal off the death penalty, so he's crap to me. Amazing the dirt we elect to the presidency.

toadold said...

The name you don't see mentioned in the MSM.
Her name was Adria Sauceda, 16 years old. She had been raped, bitten, beaten with a stick, and sexually violated with the stick. She had defense marks on her. Her head was bashed in multiple times with a 40 pound piece of asphalt.
As far as I know, no one from the Mexican diplomatic service contacted her "Hispanic" family to offer condolences or help. Up their's.
The American left are such clever people, they say they want the "Hispanic" vote, but they ignore how their codling of vile scum will play in that community. They are such clever....Dicks.

Chuck said...

He's in Texas, where I'm pretty sure Obama doesn't hold much sway.

(Well actually he's in hell now..) News just came in..

Leal is an ex-Leal. He has run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible.


Anonymous said...

Leal is--scratch that, "was"-- exactly the kind of guy favored by the DREAM Act. Brought here--through no fault of his own!-- when he was two. Mexicans doing the violent rapes and murders Americans just won't do.

Fred Jameson

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