Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Obama - Robespierre on Line 2 --

Current date
3     Thermidor     III

Robespierre Te Une

Perry is taller, has much better hair, seems to believe he has an even better pipeline to God than Bush did. And he comes out of Paint Creek, Tex., different from the Texas town that gave us Bush, the one we also know as Yale University.

Whether Dubya Perry is holier than Michele Bachmann, the new President of Ames, Iowa, remains to be seen.  [Full]

Robespierre Te Une

For 2,0000 years the Christian church has been the the first target of  would-be statist dictators.  Christianity is inimical with  statism, prolly because of the first commandment, "you shall have no other gods before me."

Since the American-left are an amalgam of mostly loons who worship trees, rocks, animals, tofu and/or government, there is a natural gulf between people who worship God and them.  Especially after FDR Democrats abandoned the party in droves to help elect Ronald Reagan in 1980.  It didn't take long for aggrieved leftists to label them the "Religious Right" ( "people fed up with failed Carter policy" didn't have the same snap).  A collection of quite stupid and uneducated clots; God loving hypocrites all. From that moment, if there was a priest  portrayed in a movie
—  well it ruined the whole experience because we knew who the killer was. 

The Catholic church especially was set upon.  Wouldn't ordain women;  wouldn't make abortion and homosexuality sacraments; kept choosing Catholic Popes!  Impossible people. Catholic leaders however quite often, and quite famously fail to make a distinction between Christian charity and charity at the point of a state held gun. They are often called Jesuits, and always Democrats. Baptists, fundamentalists and evangelicals are less prone to see legalized theft as a good thing. It seems.

Which is at the heart of this ad hominem attack on Perry and Bachmann (and Bush) in Mike Lupica's dreary piece.  Some of them, maybe Lupica, are so estranged from the faith of their forefathers that they actually see the whole thing as a freak show. But as a policy, and it is by now accepted DNC doctrine, the openly Christan must be defamed.  It just brings in so much money form  old rich hippies.

With Obama occupying the throne, I really am surprised the left have not taken direction from  Robespierre.  France's Catholic church was a devilish thorn in his vision of the perfect state, so he traded  the "Terror" for the "Second Terror."   With it came even more beheadings and  a new calender featuring twelve months with three weeks of 10 days.  The people would have no way of knowing which day was Sunday, and thus forget about God.   Probably would have worked, but Robespierre created a new "church" in which Reason and not God would be the supreme being. He indelicately portrayed himself as  "Le Une."   He soon found himself standing in the conclusion queue, and the Great Terror ended with Sarah Palin— wait.  I'm too old to be teaching history. Read it for yourself, but you prolly al;ready know. This was catharsis. 


toadold said...

Lordy but this campaign is turning into a giggle. I just got through reading a post by Lawrence Kudlow about how Perry used intemperate language to criticize the Fed. He then spent the other two thirds of the article explaining why Perry was basically right.
Air Force pilots in the spirit of good clean fun, sometimes refer to the transport pilots as "trash haulers." Perry flew C-130's when he was in and maybe what we need is someone to haul the trash out.
I know it is but a dream but:
"OK, drop the ramp and kick'em out."
"Oh my God we'll never get that smell off of the fish!"

hellferbreakfast said...

Donkturd, Geldican, what's the difference?

Anonymous said...

Lupica writing an opinion piece for the NY Daily News? They're desperate to draw in his readers from the sports section in the hope they join the head nodding choir on the editorial page, Frank Rich and all that. Lupica is a midget douchebag.

Mark / NJ BANG

Anonymous said...


with Don Cornelious Obama

Unknown said...

<a href="http://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/calendar/>Date correction:</a>

28 Thermidor An CCXIX

Aristomenes said...

Sorry. That should have read:

Date correction:

28 Thermidor An CCXIX

Jim - PRS said...

Lupica should stick to writing Kidz books about little boys playing baseball.

toadold said...

That Wall Street video kind of warms the cockles. The Obambi's are likely to be busy little bees next Summer. Supreme Court ruling in June, possible independent prosecutor action, Three to four Republicans snipping at him, Influential blogger firing away, Economic hardships, and etc. Never let a crisis go to waste huh, what do you do when you have a lot more than one to deal with. They may end up trying to kill a dose of crabs with a ball peen hammer cause that was the nearest thing to hand.

steve in tulsa said...

Perry says gay marriage is a state issue and should not be a federal issue. I agree.

RavingDave said...

Excellent writing! Reminds me of Gerard Van der Leun.

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