Sunday, November 06, 2011

Eggs Real King of France and Sweden

Did you move the clock back?


If not, you have an hour before Sunday Mass to make Eggs Real King of France and Sweden. (Benedict was a traitor)

 English Muffin
Grilled Ham Slices
 Poached eggs
Nacho Cheese (Tostito's Queso]
Asparagus Spears


FishStyx said...

"Nacho Cheese"???
Why not Hollandaise or at the least a nice Béchamel?!?
Hell...I'd settle for a nice bacon gravy, but..."Nacho Cheese"?!?!

Au contraire, Your Majesty!!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Because I like Nacho Cheese. Put it on everything.

I-RIGHT-I said...

Poached eggs w/ salt and pepper on fresh toasted french bread. I'm out of nacho cheese. Hash browns made from one of last night's baked potatoes. Italian sausage, left over from pizza Friday night. Fresh squeezed orange juice from HEB with a warning label that states, "not pasteurized.. do not drink if you are old and infirm" double black coffee with a shot of Bailey's. I'm good until dinner time with just a few beers in between, whether permitting.

Ralph Gizzip said...

Made it to 9:00 AM Mass just fine (I'm an usher). Breakfast was a cup of tea and Rice Krispies.

wv: winos - yeahm we got someof them at Mass, too.

Alear said...

Looks like a healthier ♥ Egg McMuffin ♥

Observito said...

I am dismayed by the lack of order in your array of asparagi.

B....... said...

The bottom half of a liter of Jim Beam. Now where's them funnies....

Anonymous said...

Woke up at 5 a.m. and made chilaquiles. Gently heat some tortilla chips in a skillet, add some salsa (green tomatillo was what I had), after they are hot and less crispy move them over to one side of the skillet and scramble two eggs. Serve over warm frijoles with crema (creme fraiche).

The REAL national dish of Mexico.

If you're good I'll give out my recipe for frijoles ricos that all my Mexican friends ask for.

--Sapo Mal

Anonymous said...

I'm with Fish Styx, Rodger. I said, "Eewww!" when I read nacho cheese in your description. Why in the world would you go to the trouble to make all that and then use Nacho cheese instead of Hollandaise?Hollandaise sauce takes a little practice but is easy, cheap and delicious. Once you learn how to make it you'll be putting it on everything instead of nacho cheese.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Sheesh! I like Tostito Queso, and making a proper Hollandaise turns this 5 minute breakfast into 15 minutes-- or longer if the Hollandaise curdles. Did I mention that I then squirt catsup over the thing?

Anonymous said...

Okay then. Teaches zone.

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