49.1%: Percent of the population live in a household where at least one member received some type of government benefit in the first quarter of 2011. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Half the country on the government tit
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- pdwalker said...
Ah, just wait until it gets to 51%! Then we can have all the free stuff we want!
5/26/12, 1:03 PM
- Skoonj said...
I get Socialist Security disability, VA disability, AF retirement, federal worker retirement, and Florida worker retirement. So I'm in that percentage. And no, I'm not voting for Obama or any other leftist jackass who thinks government checks equal Democrat votes.
5/26/12, 1:12 PM
- leelu said...
Mine is SS, and soon to be a bit from my Boeing pension. It ain't the government's to give me, I worked for it, goddamnit!! -
5/26/12, 1:24 PM
- rickn8or said...
Skoonj, I am in complete awe. I've never met a penta-dipper before. (Even though we all know SS, feddle worker and I'm guessing FL worker are all contributory.)
Saaa-LUTE! -
5/26/12, 2:15 PM
- Skoonj said...
Rickn8or, the Florida pension is tiny, after nine years with a Florida law enforcement agency. Federal worker pension is pretty small, too, since I had to stop working when I started treatment for leukemia. The Socialist Security disability started a few months later. AF retirement is after eight years active duty and many years in the ANG. Fliers get more man days, so I did pretty well there. VA disability is for heart, hearing, back and hand problems stemming from my AF service.
They all add up, of course. On the other hand I would prefer to be able to continue working. -
5/26/12, 2:49 PM
- rickn8or said...
Skoonj, I don't envy you HOW you got all those, (figure you earned 'em all), but I didn't think anybody could accumulate that many over a career.
I'm starting down that road myself, with a partially-paralyzed left leg, due to recent spinal cord tumor surgery. But I've got half my Navy retirement pay to live on regardless. -
5/26/12, 4:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you, Skoonj, for your service to our country.
Sir H the Comet. -
5/26/12, 8:38 PM
- Skip said...
Yes indeed, thank you Skoonj.
I salute you. -
5/26/12, 9:12 PM
- Skoonj said...
Thanks guys. Tomorrow me and Rickn8or are limping to the barn. We'll rev up the Buff and leave Washington a green glass parking lot. After that, gas up and head for Tehran. Got to be fair, right?
5/26/12, 10:08 PM
- rickn8or said...
Skoonj, you're driving, right? I make a fair to middlin' navi-guesser / bombardier, but on my last checkride I was told my six-engine landing looked like shit.
Mebbe we could get the Old NFO to come along. That way, I could revert to Flight Tech / Radio Op and sleep most of the flight.
Of course, Kim would be the gunner. -
5/26/12, 10:29 PM
- Skoonj said...
OK, Rickn8or, I'll drive. I was an IN and WSO, but private pilot and instrument ticket helps. In the AF, the WSO actually flies the plane a fair amount of the time.
Yeah the Old NFO and Kim are a great idea. Also, anyone who can serve sandwiches and coffee. For you, the trick is getting the rader crosshairs to the target, then let 'er rip!
What's this about 6-engine landing? I was thinking of bailing out as we approach Chicago, arming one before we leave. -
5/26/12, 10:50 PM
- rickn8or said...
Auger in in Chicago?
Negative. I distinctly remember a stencil by the crew entry door: "Re-Useable Container-- Do Not Destroy."
Besides, I've never walked home from a flight and I don't intend to start now. -
5/26/12, 10:56 PM
- Wabano said...
"I would prefer to be able to continue working"...
In aviation, I could not in the States,
I could in Canada if I wanted,
in Zeropa, I'd be arrested if I tried... -
5/26/12, 11:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fucking sailors, you'll never get her off the ground. There's no tailhook. Besides, I have all the arming codes hermetically sealed in a mayonaise jar on the back of Funk & Wagnall's porch.
Casca -
5/27/12, 1:29 AM
- rickn8or said...
Oh, bullshit Casca. It's not that complicated; officers do it every day. We don't use the tail hook for takeoffs, only landings.
Just push all the go levers forward, wait for about 170 knots or so, then honk back on the yoke.
Yell "Gear up" and "climb checklist" and go from there.
Piece o' cake.
And have you checked that mayonaise jar lately? Hope you can use those expired Bed Bath and Beyond coupons. -
5/27/12, 1:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Can you guys use a retired submarine sailor? I don't know much about big airplanes, but I make a good pot of coffee and I'm pretty good with ESM and small arms.
MichigammeDave -
5/27/12, 6:47 AM
- Flyfish said...
rickn8or you were a flight tech? So was I, VAW-112 from 75-79. small world!
5/27/12, 7:50 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
MichigammeDave - you are now brevetted Pvt-Cdr in the Barn Army. Remember this, and wear your rank proudly.
5/27/12, 8:18 AM
- rickn8or said...
Flyfish, yes among other things. VQ-2 1977-80 and VP-19 1981-84.
5/27/12, 10:11 AM
- Skoonj said...
Close all hatches! Air on ONE!
5/27/12, 11:05 AM
Alear said...
Thanks for the funniest line I'll read all week, Rick:
"It's not that complicated; officers do it every day." -
5/27/12, 1:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Like I said, fucking sailors.
Casca -
5/27/12, 2:33 PM
Merrily said...
Not I. And I'm so poor I can't pay attention.
5/27/12, 11:00 PM
Anonymous said...
The Sleeping Giant begins to awaken.
beware the Kraken -
5/27/12, 11:25 PM