Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The Real St. Ann Swears an Mighty Oath

Which goes to show that this sumbitch can piss-off the pope.

Res Ipsa Loquitur

Obama's America (Language Warning)
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - June 4, AD 2012 8:54 PM MST

    Ann, I was probably going to do what I needed to try to survive anyway, but your constant help in posting, helped spur me. So, thank you. I have postitioned myself the best I can, but I know there are some things I can do nothing about. I have no thyroids anymore. Its a long story but I had to have them removed. Now without synthroid in 6 weeks I will be dead. So, what I am trying to say is, no matter how I position myself, when the pharmacy drug pipeline closes during the bad things to come, I won't make it. I have stocked as much as I can, but it won't last forever.... Signed,

That's right. In the territory formerly known as the United States of America, before the end of Obama's so-called "first term", middle class American citizens who are dependent on theraputic pharmaceuticals are now actually preparing and planning on dying from lack of access to their needed pharmceuticals in the near future.

Well, Barry. It's "mission accomplished" for you, you evil, Communist son of a bitch.

The comeuppance that these two miserable pieces of shit have guaranteed for themselves is going to be truly epic. I hope I live to see it.

" ... as the TRSA goes potty mouth - el jefe"


Anonymous said...

There's a Romney campaign opportunity here. Turn the tables, throw a little sob story on their asses.


leelu said...

Think about all of us who are on meds for things like, oh, anger management. Especially those of us who are armed.

Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Synthyroid is an over-the-counter drug in Mexico, you don't even need a prescription. Three to six dollars per month's supply. But he'ed have to compete with the Mexicans if he moved there, and he doesn't want to work that hard. Easier just to die.

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