Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Social Media Roofies- for starters


"Does this taste like Rohypnol to you?

Res Ipsa Loquitur

The media appear to be working their way up to a full-on hand-wringing over the news that the kind of people who use "Does this taste like Rohypnol to you?" as a pickup line have discovered social media "location apps". Wow. Who could have seen that coming?

The internet itself has already made dodging stalkers or creepy exes a colossal pain in the butt, at least for those of us who remember the good old days of 'move and get an unlisted phone number and you're done,' but the idea of voluntarily tagging yourself like a migrating harp seal? Unbelievable.

When I first heard of these apps that would basically broadcast your age, sex, relationship status, favorite color, GPS location, and how long you'd been standing there in the bar parking lot fumbling in your purse for your car keys, I couldn't believe ...
[Tam- findavictim.com continued]

"How do I know thee? Let me count the ways..."

There's Google Mail; speed cams; traffic light cams; street surveillance cams; automobile "black boxes;" Face Book; People Search and Public Information Search Engines; Google Street; Google Earth; surveillance drones;  blah blah blah.

Maybe someone can find the quote for me, I've tried and failed, but the gist is "they'll take your freedom and you'll pay them to do it."  Because that's what's happened.  Remember, pick any technology you want, and the government is using it.  And with this lot, that's a very.very bad thing.

By the by. when I was single I took roofies at the disco.  Way overrated.  Didn't get me anywhere but a bed on the sidewalk. 


Anonymous said...

Rodger, like I always say, if it hurts, you're doing it wrong.


Anonymous said...

One of those nasty, evil Soviet presidents said something along the lines of, "When the time comes to hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope." I think he was only wrong about who will do the hanging.

Anonymous said...

It was Uncle Joe.

Esteve said...

I must read Ms. Tam more often. Her "hunting over bait" analogy (at the link) made me smile.

Anonymous said...

Grin Filled,
I thought it was Kruschev, about the time he was banging on a podium at the UN with a spare shoe he happend to have handy... But no!!
So I googled...


It's vlad, the-non-impaler, the non-Putin...


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Sort of the same sentiment, but no the quote I remember. Prolly, and not for the first time, I'm remembering my own quote that I forgot. I make a lot of shit up.

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