Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Fried Chicken and Spoon Bread


Southern Comfort

I haven't made either of the  two recipes shown here, but  I will.  What really recommends this to everyone is the story, which comes straightway,  about what happened to the enterprising ex-slaves whose recipe fried chicken was (West Africa).  Nothing changes. After that, you're on your own. 


I-RIGHT-I said...

The site museum tells a different story. Evidently they weren't taxed out of business.

"The practice continued until the mid-1900s when regulations finally forced them to close down."


...and who in their right mind believes that fried chicken originated in Africa? You racist bastards!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Taxed"/"Regulated" a difference with no distinction sir.


I-RIGHT-I said...

A difference nonetheless sir. The Obama voting boob on the video suggested that right after the civil war the women went out of business because they were taxed out of business. Not true. They closed them down sometime in 1950 probably over health concerns and pressure from Colonel Sanders. And I'm still tickled that the dumbass actually thinks mankind had to wait for the tribals in Africa to invent deep frying before somebody stuck a bird in hot oil and declared it "Finger Lick'n Good". Total BS Casca, read the history for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Jeez Righty, you've got to start drinking earlier. I only take issue with the difference between being taxed or regulated out of business. In both instances, the government tilts the scale to the point where you can no longer make a profit. Now you want to drag the poor old Colonel in... and who created friend chicken... hey, it's a cooking show, who gives a shit? Now pass the jug.


I-RIGHT-I said...

I'm just say'n that it seems to me the cooking flunky is a ratbastardcommiemofo. Cooking shows are lousy with RBCMF's don't you know.

Pass that bottle back when your done with it too old buddy. If you're not drunk by 6 am you're just not paying good attention to what's going on.

Anonymous said...

That's true, IRI, but cooking show RBCMF's don't spend much time spewing their filth, which makes them tolerable. As a matter of fact, America's Testicle Kitchen and Cook's Country (Why do they bother calling them different shows?) are some of the very few shows on PBS I can stomach.

Liberals should stick to the arts and stay out of things like politics, economics and the military. These are subjects of which they have zero capacity to comprehend the most basic principles. If would only do that, they would be assets to have around. Only then.

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