scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, October 12, 2012
Biden's White Lying Teeth
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
It's remarkable that the RNC video above was posted by the (NRO's) "Corner" (which I was following) while the debate was still live!
10/12/12, 8:35 AM
Anonymous said...
The people whose idea of a serious discussion was formed while watching MSNBC will be congratulating one another on Biden's win. Luckily, they are a minority, a soon to be devastated minority.
Freddie Sykes -
10/12/12, 8:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Wabano said it all, response to the Joe's Greatest Hits below.
Sir H the Comet -
10/12/12, 8:53 AM
- Jess said...
Riots? More like a bunch of angry tweets and threats on Facebook.
10/12/12, 8:56 AM
Steve in Greensboro said...
"Will Black People Riot if Obama Loses?"
And how will we distinguish that from a typical Tuesday night in Detroit? -
10/12/12, 10:06 AM
Cheesy said...
The reason why I don't watch panel shows like "The Five" bunch of rude people trying to talk over each other. The result is you can't hear what anyone is saying. Why bother?
10/12/12, 10:15 AM
- Mile 66 said...
Riots? How to protect our families and communities from the freeloaders wrath once the goodies stop flowing? I found an excellent essay by Author and former Navy SEAL Matt Bracken, describing how these would probably begin, what could happen, and what should we do to better our survival chances. Bracken: When the Music Stops, How Americas Cities may Explode in Violence
10/12/12, 10:17 AM
- DougM said...
Joe's mom should'a drug 'im off the podium by his ear an' spanked his rude little ass.
What was this, #OccupyDebate?
The VP's a dagnab brat! -
10/12/12, 10:33 AM
- Chris in NC said...
I listened to the radio and yeah, if you did, it sounded like Biden got the better of him. Way too many areas (like when pressed for specifics) Ryan met a question with silence. Not a good thing.
As for riots, I've been saying that for a while. It's one of the reasons I want to see Romney win. I can't wait to see the libs go insane and riot. Going to be great! -
10/12/12, 10:43 AM
- pdwalker said...
I think I'm going to watch that video of Michelle Jenneke again.
10/12/12, 1:20 PM
Helly said...
But what does it all mean, Rodger asks? Three things.
1. This was Ryan's debate to lose, and he faced the defender's advantage. He had to stand up to the worst of Obama/Biden and he did that while providing our troubled country a clear, strong, and credible alternative. That is a huge win against an incumbent.
2. Biden's Pyrrhic Defeat. When the Dems said they were going to 'let Joe be Joe,' they meant he would be forced to beclown himself to force Ryan off his game. If this turned into a serious debate, the election would have ended last night, so Ryan had to be thwarted at any cost. The cost would be Biden's dignity, which really isn't such a big lose in any case.
Biden is very good at keeping the focus of any even on himself. With no chance of winning this debate, the plan was to take a measured loss instead of another devastating loss. I think he succeeded in turning the debate into his clown show. However …
3. Kiss the female vote goodbye. Biden evoked some unearthly power to gather every element of what women hate about talking to men, and deliver them in a stunningly repulsive singularity. If the aim was to galvanize his base constituency with aggression, this was an epic miscalculation. Admire Raddatz' restraint. Trust me, she wanted to reach across the table and smack that hideous Cheshire Cat smirk right off his face. Female voters will soon take that chore upon themselves. -
10/12/12, 3:44 PM
Alear said...
Good points all, Helly.
10/12/12, 5:08 PM
- Skip said...
Had to restrain my wife from throwing something at/shooting an expensive TV.
Haven't heard her use those words since they were aimed at me.
They needed an attack dog and they sent a clown. -
10/12/12, 7:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Rodge,
Didn't you have a typo in the headline for this post? I'm sure you meant "...defile debate." You're welcome.
--Skyhawker, Doug -
10/13/12, 1:37 AM