scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Obama just doesn't like plumbers, evidently
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Alear said...
Ow that's tough to watch. It's one thing to hear the number of millions out of work, but these anecdotal stories always make it personal and I guess more real.
10/30/12, 5:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Since 2006 I have been the controller of 3 companies. All of which existed because the owner who made his money in past years still believed he could ride out the storm. So time after time he would put money into the business to keep vendors talking to us. Each time it became obvious it was a lost cause and the business was closed. If the pending EPA rules are put into effect every business not receiving government blood will be gone, and fast.
10/30/12, 7:31 PM
- Juice said...
There was a light moment there when I saw the Mormon or Moron, but by the time it ended, it brought tears. Quite the message in a neat little package.
10/30/12, 8:36 PM
- Juice said...
Okay, a moment from Realville; after all it is Denver. So the question still begging to be asked, "Did you vote for him?"
If they did, their own loss as well as that of others, is on their hands. -
10/30/12, 8:48 PM
- pdwalker said...
Cause and Effect Juice, too many people cannot make the correlation.
10/30/12, 10:41 PM
Helly said...
Well doesn't that just rip your guts out.
10/30/12, 11:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Where are the anecdotal reports of all those so happy about the Hope & Change guy? Where are the reports of all those helped? Those kept in business? Oh, never mind.
The Denver Rooter was under the 'magic' 50-employee number, and they went under. If they had 50 employees, Obamacare would have made things worse...
BTW, GM & ChryCo DID go through bankruptcy, no matter what Teh Won and Plugs may say.
Just remember, all you GM guys still working and making cars, GM is on the way to another bankruptcy because your UAW contract helps you but not your customers. You will have a job only as long as your product sells. With the customers out of a job, cars won't sell. See: GM sales 1929-1940 {tank}
tomw -
10/31/12, 8:47 AM