Thursday, April 25, 2013

Has the Fat Lady Sung?

Police State Culture

Game Over?
Begin a new season

Truth be known, we lost the war on terror the minute Bush created the Kafkaesque "Department of Homeland Security" (Abteilung Innere Sicherheit).  Or. was it the very second the first traffic cam was installed?  Or was it that moment when  Virgina Cassidy Blythe Clinton Kelly decided to go ahead and have the kid?  Or when Rose Kennedy failed to have her tubes tied before marriage? Or ... .   *insert sheep sounds*
Chief Nose Wetter


Skoonj said...

We lost the war on terror at Tora Bora. The Taliban and al Qaeda were there, in the mountains, and were about to flee to Pakistan. Bush had the chance to eliminate most of the enemy all at once with a tactical nuclear weapon, but he wouldn't think of it. Far better to commit the blood of American GIs for a useless 10 year war which gains NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

Something I noticed shortly after and ever since 9-11 was the absence an oft heard platitude, "If we give up our freedoms in order to defeat the (bad guys), then the (bad guys) have won."

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