Saturday, May 04, 2013

Another Obama Brown Shirt

                            Nanny State: One regulation away from total bliss         
The Police State               


Anonymous said...

Add Southern Poverty Law Center and Center for Science in the Public Interest to the hate list.
One does extortion through pseudo law and the other does it through pseudo science. Neither one lives up to their name.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

iri said...

I was thinking every American in that county should call and turn themselves in.

Anonymous said...

Maybe any and all attorneys and wanna-bes that apply to join the ACLU should be automatically disbarred, forthwith. The ACLU is a whole lot like a boss I used to have-against anything and everything they do not agree 100% with. If the ACLU don't like something, sue the shit out of everyone involved.


DougM said...

What about those of us who hate illegitimate government abuse of authority (e.g. petty despots like him) but swore to protect legitimate constitutional government?
We the People can keep lists, too, y'know.

iri said...

That's the kind of asshole that steals your beer and feels up your girlfriend during a stop. He needs to be invited to a blanket party right away.

Helly said...

This was handled very poorly and Sheriff Bradshaw is a buffoon, but I think the program has merit.

It should have been promoted as a way to alert law enforcement to the presence of armed Democrats. You can grouse about civil liberties, but there is no legitimate reason for a Lefty to have a gun.

Jess said...

I disagree. All lefties should have guns. After about a week, most would shoot themselves and solve a lot of problems.

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