Saturday, May 04, 2013

Durex Long

The long and short of it
Res Ipsa Loquitor


Anonymous said...

Must have spindly legs or knobby knees.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Helly said...

I always wondered what they kept in those adorable little purses.

Juice said...

Hamish: "Some men are longer than others."

DougM said...

Since the tradition is to go commando,
perhaps he's just incredibly well hung.

Esteve said...

Sarcasm Alert! You may be on to something Doug, as the ad is for XL condoms.

JerseygirlAngie said...

The long tartan garment is traditionally a woman's skirt, so, obviously, he's a transvestite !

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It is an XL condom ad - ahem

Wabano said...

Actually Highlander's "purse" was made of enemies' scalps(they invented the practice)...a good Highlander had a lot of enemies to choose from...

Wabano said...

Old Celts were cannibal...also
invented "head cheese...from pigs,
it's yummy...I dont know about human
head cheese...gotta ask Obama, he
love dog eating and his gran pappy
was a Mau Mau cannibal too.

DougM said...

Didn't even notice the ad in the corner.
Swell, now I'm known as the guy who falls for Scottish weenie jokes.

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