Monday, July 22, 2013

Travon, another victim of the compassionate American Liberal

Hitler's Mustache               

The "Compassionate" Liberal

Our Stupid, Arrogant Killer Elite

American Media - Making It All Possible
American Media. the Liberal's Consigliere and Enabler
How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up
Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s Death

The February 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martion might never have happened if school officials in Miami-Dade County had not instituted an unofficial policy of treating crimes as school disciplinary infractions. Revelations that emerged from an internal affairs investigation explain why Martin was not arrested when caught at school with stolen jewelry in October 2011 or with marijuana in February 2012. Instead, the teenager was suspended from school, the last time just days before he was shot dead by George Zimmerman.

Trayvon Martin was not from Sanford, the town north of Orlando where he was shot in 2012 and where a jury acquitted Zimmerman of murder charges Saturday. Martin was from Miami Gardens, more than 200 miles away, and had come to Sanford to stay with his father’s girlfriend Brandy Green at her home in the townhouse community where Zimmerman was in charge of the neighborhood watch. Trayvon was staying with Green after he had been suspended for the second time in six months from Krop High School in Miami-Dade County, where both his father, Tracy Martin, and mother, Sybrina Fulton, lived. [continued]

Compassionate American Liberals have killed directly or indirectly  more people than Hitler and Stalin combined. And turned our constitution akimbo in the process.
cuzzin ricky


Anonymous said...

hm... So Andy "Ow!" Sullivan "thinks" Thomas Sowell and Victor Davis Hanson are "dumb"?

Isn't that ...precious

Anonymous said...

Oh -- and the "parents" are on Dr Phil today.

That oughta go well....


Anonymous said...

I thought Newsweek was long GONE...that's NOT a photoshop spoof?!

TimO said...

Treyvon and his ilk are exactly WHY we passed the Stand-Your-Ground laws to begin with.

In the '80s and '90s there was a wave of nasty brutal home invasion robberies and street crime from the gangster wannabes. In SE Florida here the Jamaican gang-bangers were particularly fond of carving up their prey with machetes and they didn't care if it was women or children.

SYG let the Florida homeowners feel safe again and after a number of the thug gang members were shot that form of crime nearly went away. Big surprise...

DougM said...

I see that Newsweek is suffering from a RollingStone-cover-envy complex.

Anonymous said...

That liberal level of complacency is permeating every corner of our education system. When I pick my little brother up from school, there are groups of 13-14 year old girls passing around joints before they're even out of the school parking lot. Passing teachers who oversee the students leaving school, and do and say nothing.

These are the people responsible for education.


Anonymous said...

So Newsweek wants you to channel your inner Trayvon.
oy vey ole'

Juice said...

Mindless LibWalkers.

JMcD said...

Twenty percent of Americans believe that The Trinity is composed of three Persons... The Father, The Son and The Holy Spook.

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