Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Remember when ...

Meet The Democrat Media Complex                        


There was this in 2010

 Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria
The history books on this issue shouldn’t be written just yet.

DonM - "I have seen the sat photos of Iraq and Syria but this narrative helps put it in perspective."
Saddam's WMDs Posted  | 6/07/2010

and  this in 2008

 IAEA Finds Uranium Traces at Syrian Blast Site
  Ex-Official: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD
 Saddam's WMD Posted  11/10/2008

.... and on and on, beginning in 2003 ... So,  if we knew, how come this will all be news to the media and the Democrat party today?  Hmmmmm?  Extrapolate


Stick said...

Where's Joe Wilson anyway? 500 tons of yellowcake uranium shipped from Iraq to Canada for processing.


Anonymous said...

I never understood the ability of V. Plame & husb to get the accolades of the Defeat party in the 'W lied contest' played out in the media.
If they were to just read the Wilson note in the NYT(?) to the effect 'yup, Iraq sent envoys to where the cake was..' there was no 'there there' in the brouhaha.
In plain words, Wilson stated the truth and everyone ignored it.
Hows that work?

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