scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
IRS Targeting
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
We're in a war. I've given up hope that the GOP will acknowledge it, because most of them are collaborators. When will the rest of America realize it?
I recently looked into joining my local GOP to try to turn things within. I found on the application that I had to have two existing members vouch for me to get in, and I had to swear to support Party nominees in every way or be thrown out.
The Old Boy Establishment doesn't brook change, debate or dissent.
More and more, I'm thinking a Concord Bridge II is the only solution. The Progs must feel consequences, and so far they've been immune.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/21/14, 2:25 PM
Snackeater said...
We hit the last box of the soap box, letter box, etc. scenario a couple years ago. It's not a matter of if, but when.
What worries me though, is the progs aren't stupid enough to push this hard unless they feel like they're prepared and want it to happen. We live in interesting times. -
1/21/14, 5:30 PM
iri said...
"...the progs aren't stupid enough to push this hard unless they feel like they're prepared..."
The paste colored wooly grazers aren't going to do a thing and so they are prepared for that. It's the military they need to worry about. Thus the move by the Pentagon to replace thousands of troops with robots. When those hit the ground the question of whether or not the US Army will fire upon American citizens is answered.
1/21/14, 6:42 PM
Snackeater said...
0bama's adept at Chicago politics--he keeps the temporarily and permanently unemployed quiet with extended UI and welfare, he keeps the unions quiet with exemptions and more power, and he keeps Wall Street quiet with nearly free money--so he keeps his majority, his muscle and his donations.
But if he loses the senate in November and with it all control over the purse strings, the whole thing could come unraveled very quickly. Add to that the employer mandate kicking in and millions more being forced into 0bamacare and it could get ugly. -
1/21/14, 7:01 PM
Anonymous said...
You posted:
Democrats are working hard to make sure conservative groups are silenced in the 2014 midterms.
You need to correct that to start as follows:
REPUBLICANS are working hard to make...
THEY are allowing this merde to pass through in their omnibus bill.
If Boneless BooHoo had stood up on two legs, it would not come to a vote in the House.... as that is where it is supposed to originate if it is indeed a SPENDING bill, right?
The R's want the Tea Party to go away. More or less:
" Get us elected, but go away. We don't need you. You cause too much trouble here in River City."
Cruz got people worked up to think they could actually OPPOSE what Harry is doing in the Senate.
*I* think Cruz got attention paid to the Obamacare nightmare that is coming later on this year. AND to the fact that it had the letter "D" stamped all over it with no R's involved.
Dick Durbin tried to claim it was accepted by some R's, but that was more lies.
The Speaker of the House needs to be deluged with anything at hand to remind him that the REAL REPUBLICAN PARTY will come back, and he's not welcome.
That's the name I came up with, to avoid the 'third party' poison, just call the Tea Party flavor Republicans, REAL REPUBLICANS. Not the weak-sister RINOs. Full bodied strength, bold and brash, ready to do battle with the party of last century, the Democrats, even today trying to put FDR ideas into action. The New Deal was 70+ years ago, dudes, and the ideas encompassed have been proven to not work so well, see: European Socialist States, going broke, One Payer patients dying in hallways of malnutrition {starving} or dehydration, witholding any care at all until dead.
That's the future, and I'd LOVE for Cruz to bring pictures and props to the well of the Senate and give a speech on "single payer" British National Health System levels of non-care, and rationing and boards who decide life and death.
It is coming, and the only way to stop it is to grow a backbone, or replace the spineless with people who realize THEY WORK FOR US!
No perks, no health care, no retirement plan, it is NOT A CAREER.
Gummint workers should realize they PAY for their guaranteed paycheck{job security} with lower income, while the rest of us know our check can stop next Friday should the company run as well as the FedGov. That is how it has been in the past. You don't need brain surgeons to run government shops as they are being run now. The middle of the Bell curve would do the job as well as it is done now. Poorly. Inefficiently, with ponderous response time.
I'll shut up now.
tomw -
1/22/14, 9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
" Democrats are working hard to make sure conservative groups are silenced in the 2014 midterms."
So are the Republicans.
GrinfilledCelt -
1/22/14, 12:44 PM