You're about to be primaried
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, January 13, 2014
Dog way smarter than Georgia Democrat
You're about to be primaried
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Beagles aren't dogs. They're noses with legs.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/14/14, 1:03 AM
- Unknown said...
Now he'll blame it on the cat, even though they don't have one.
1/14/14, 9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
We think our Beagle/Basset(?) mix is about 19, and she has cloudy eyes. Cataracts, I think.
She is a nose.
She'll put her head nose high to get better whiffs of whatever it is we happen to have. Bring something new into the house, and she has to smell it.
I'll take a half dozen chunks of her food, and place them next to chair legs, boxes, etc, for her to use her nose sniff out. She can't see them directly any more, but seems to enjoy working her smeller as her tail moves at 90mph when searching.
She knows when it is 3 o'clock and time to walk, as she gets up and goes to the door. She will wait at the door to the basement to come down ~7:30 for her 'search'. Stubborn as a mule, too. We got her from a Bassett rescue 'ranch' nearby, about 15 years ago, and were told then she was about 5, so who knows how old she really is.
Nose still works great, though. I think she has us trained...
tomw -
1/14/14, 9:52 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I would LOVE to have had a dog who lived that long; means only having to go through the heartbreak 3 times or so in a lifetime. But then. when they do pass on, it's gotta be tragic.
1/14/14, 10:05 AM
Anonymous said...
My beagle "Opus", died two days before 9/11. I still miss her even though she spent almost as much time on the coffee table as on the floor when we weren't looking.
1/14/14, 4:32 PM
iri said...
"it's gotta be tragic."
It hurts like hell but tragic is when the master spends $10K to keep the dog alive another year only to watch them suffer until they can die of their own accord. -
1/14/14, 6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
"Missy" was preceded by "Lucy", who was a Beagle-Bischon-freset(sp?) mix who we got from the shelter as a wobbly legged puppy. She was so weak she fell multiple times trying to walk down the slope in the front yard. I suggested Lucy, as in loosie-goosie, because she was so unstable.
She was much more personable, and would crawl under the car to watch me change the oil or ???.
We used to get the paper in the AM, and one day she could not get up, apparently having hidden her weakness as best she could. Took her to the vet, and got a leukemia diagnosis.
I did not want her to die running out of breath while lying still, as I thought she would if we' helped' with medication or transfusion. Her blood cells were being eaten by other cells, and she'd get weaker and weaker as she could not intake oxygen, and feel more and more out of breath. I am teary right this minute thinking of her, and she's been gone since 2003. A dog, but oh so sweet. Like losing a best friend. -
1/15/14, 11:26 AM