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THIS I've got a "new" production Yugo M-57 Tokarev on the way but the only ammo I can find for it is new production full metal jacket and it was expensive.Reloading components are hard to get also. Took me to- This YEAR 2009
... this week the DoD
wrote a letter to the owner of Georgia Arms and
said that from now on the DoD will be destroying the brass - shredding
it. It is no longer available to the Ammo makers - unless they just buy
it in a scrap shredded condition (which they have No use for). The
shredded brass is NOW going to be sold by the DoD to China as scrap
metal.... after the DoD pays for it to be shredded. The DoD is selling
the brass to China for less money than Ammo manufacturers have been
paying... plus the DoD has to pay to have the brass shredded and do all
the accounting paperwork. That sure helps the US economy now,
it? Sell cheaper to China - and do not sell shells at all to a proven
US business. Any agenda working here???? Obama going after our
After being made public, the resulting flare-up caused the DoD to rescind that policy. It was however akin to finding out your wife was cuckolding you—with a guy down the street—a guy you despised. Her promise never to do it again may be accepted, but you'll always know she has that lust. And suspect an even deeper ulterior motive. Jump to last week. Year 2014
Sen. Harry Reid
Behind BLM Land Grab of
Bundy Ranch
When InfoWars broke that story, and it went viral (despite
not being
mentioned by the Dem media), the Feds suddenly announced that they were
withdrawing from the assault of Bundy. Corrupt Democratic Sen. Harry Reid working with the Chinese gov’t to take (grazing) land for solar facilities Now, there are two things at play in my head right now (and forgive me for being so peripatetic) about these ugsome facts. First was toadold's comment about the cost of ammunition and scarcity of components for DIY. And the Feds recent penchant (since Obama was elected in 2008) for buying billions of rounds of ammunition, and the plan to sell mil brass to the PRC at a loss. I am hard pressed then not to conclude that:
Clinton's 1996 declaration of] 1.7 million Utah acres as a national
monument, thereby depriving an energy-starved U.S. up to 62 billion
tons of environmentally safe low-sulfur coal worth $1.2 trillion and
minable with minimal surface impact, was a political payoff to the
family of James Riady.
the son of Lippo Group (the PRC was a partner) owner Mochtar Riady.
James was found guilty of — and paid a multimillion dollar fine for —
funneling more than $1 million in illegal political contributions
through Lippo Bank into various American political campaigns, including
Bill Clinton's presidential run in 1992.
took off the world market the largest known deposit of clean-burning
coal. And who owned and controlled the second-largest deposit in the
world of this clean coal? The Indonesian Lippo Group of James Riady. It
is found and strip-mined on the Indonesian island of Kalimantan.
And now to
The Gun
control policy of the Clinton Administration: , The White House's
domestic policy on guns during Bill Clinton's
term in office as president of the United States from 1993 to
2001. Gun
control was a major political issue in the first half of Clinton's
first term and during that time he lobbied for, and signed, two major
pieces of gun control legislation, the Brady Bill and
the Assault
Weapons Ban. [Wiki]
None of these constitute minor contretemps; they are, or sure seem to be, part of a Third Wayish scenario (that we associate with Bilderbergers, et.al.) to remake the world by eliminating the United States role of counter balancer. The very presidency of Barack Obama is the boldest and most successful to date manifestation of how far along things are. At this point I ask myself, why are you publicly posting this?
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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, April 14, 2014
Third Wayish Stuff
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
1 comment:
- toadold said...
I went to a meeting at the apartment complex that was conducted by a "community" police officer. Mostly it was about the crimes being committed by the meth-heads. It seems we have three apartment complexes were dealers and addicts are established that have access to our street. Our state doesn't have a nuisance law so that the apartment can be shut down. However an officer from the local Homeland Security was there. What was his concern, domestic violence not drugs. It seems that now in a domestic violence situation an arrest will be made of either one or both parties and it is now a felony. Of course if you have a felony conviction on your record you can't get a CHL. Meanwhile we've had three robberies outside and inside the apartment complex. One right by the mail boxes. Which is why I'm going to start carrying again. I've got osteoporosis and have developed arthritis in my left foot. So I went for the lightest recoiling handgun load at a price I could afford. I don't want to get stress arthritis in my hands a wrists. "When your seconds away from getting crippled the police are minutes away"...if they haven't already stolen your cell phone then kicked the shit out you because you don't have a smart phone
4/14/14, 5:14 PM