Saturday, June 14, 2014


But then, why?


I'm struck because we, in every case (except MoSup won't eat asparagus),  have been doing all this for years.  Plus Salmon Oil, Oil of Oregano and Cinnamon.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Whoops, I don't eat porridge - she does.

Anonymous said...

She won't eat asparagus? Sheeesh! When we lived in Montana, my wife and I would go down by the Yellowstone River and along several irrigation ditdhes and cut fresh asparagus early every summer. And we did the same when we lived in the Vernal, Utah area in the early 80s. Wild asparagus is do much better tasting than the commercial stuff in the stores.

But, our youngest son won't eat asparagus, either. He says he won't eat anything that grows in a ditch. He, as well as MoSup, don't know what they are missing.


Wabano said...

Japs have so many centenarians simply because their families do not report their death and keep cashing in the pension checks...

Anonymous said...

@scottiebill - I was in the Vernal area too in the 80's.

Fresh asparagus everywhere...heavenly.

~~sleeping giant

Wabano said...

Pine bark? The original chewing gum was spruce sap, sweet and bitter...(that's what turpenthine is made of) FOR MEN ONLY!

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