scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Tell or watch?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
guess I'm a berk, too...
e~C -
8/24/14, 12:34 PM
Anonymous said...
No doubt that's one of the muzzies invading Europe. They're known for destroying vehicles, among other things.
I'll watch and cheer.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
8/24/14, 1:04 PM
iri said...
I'm going to watch. That's what you get for allowing you wife to finish up the loading while you hammer down a few beers.
8/24/14, 2:09 PM
- DougM said...
The truly moral individual would point at the wheel, then stand back and watch.
Hey, you tried. -
8/24/14, 2:10 PM
Anonymous said...
I'd tell him, knowing that he won't listen. Then I can enjoy the show with a clear conscience.
8/24/14, 3:09 PM
- Ole Phat Stu said...
I'd watch from a safe distqance with the video camera on zoom.
BTW, you do realise that "berk" is Brit rhyming slang??? -
8/24/14, 4:42 PM
Helly said...
I'd tell. And then ask for $20 to tell him how to fix it.
With those brains, what choice would he have? -
8/24/14, 8:42 PM
Sidwit said...
Oh crap, that's my truck! I was getting ready to leave to pick up Sharpton and Holder to go instigate race riots!
8/24/14, 8:57 PM
David said...
Tell? Heck, I'd sell tickets. Anyone that dumb doesn't deserve either the ATV or the truck.
8/24/14, 10:38 PM
Anonymous said...
Whilst all of y'all are making these fine moral decisions, I'm popping popcorn for the show, whichever way it goes.
Sir H the Comet -
8/25/14, 7:26 AM
- caplight45 said...
Given that I too figured it was in Europe I'd just get the phone out and start shooting.
8/25/14, 9:34 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Doug M. of course nails it
8/25/14, 9:49 AM
- Zarathustra said...
I'm going to watch... but from a safe distance, cause things are gonna be flyin'...
8/25/14, 1:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Not unless they were friends or relatives. Some people resent being told they are wrong, especially in public. I would, however, watch gleefully.
8/25/14, 6:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Next time don't let your new girlfriend help tie the 4 wheeler down.
8/26/14, 8:06 PM