Provoking Racial Unrest |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Can you say 'Useful Idiots?'
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Esteve said...
MO Lt. Governor asked two great questions, "Where was the National Guard" and after all the delays from the grand jury announcement "Why could they not have waited until Tuesday morning." Blindingly obvious answer-The Dems/media got just what they wanted.
11/26/14, 11:44 AM
Anonymous said...
As ANSWER is the organizer of all the "protests" [as evidenced by the printed signs with their website at the bottom][*and* the UnionBug!] :: and as ANSWER is funded by the World Workers, I might venture to say that *all* the "prooootests" are "joined" by Commonists.
But I guess we're not supposta notice that...
Focusing on Pie, her, boss.
e~C -
11/26/14, 12:15 PM
alex said...
This whole thing is all part of the commie (progtard but I repeat myself) plan.
http://theoyl.com/2014/11/25/agendas-the-role-of-violence-in-the-revolutionarys-plan/#more-1383 -
11/26/14, 1:09 PM
- toadold said...
Let's see, minority owned businesses destroyed, non-minority businesses closed down or destroyed. Productive job creating people left or leaving. Gee who could have anticipated that they would poop in their own nest. Let's see a show of hands of those who are actually surprised....anybody?
11/26/14, 1:38 PM
Rip Torn said...
The sound of chirping crickets......
11/26/14, 2:06 PM
Anonymous said...
(314) 398-3951 Natalie’s Cakes & More. I called this woman, she is struggling to keep her business open, in Ferguson, MO. Living in California, I won’t be able to pick up the pie I just ordered, but placed one, and directed it be sent to someone in the vicinity. I strongly encourage you to do the same, she takes VISA/MC over the phone, as she struggles to keep her business afloat. She was actually ordering a new plate glass window, when I called. In the spirit of the holiday, I give thanks to all.
11/26/14, 2:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Where was the National Guard?
Exactly where Holder wanted them to be...AWOL. Has the Dem Governor responded to this? Nope and He won't.
Burning down businesses? Come on folks. None of the outside agitators plan on living there and none of the "People of Color" have jobs or an investment in the community. It was party time for them and someone else bought the stolen refreshments and the 'prizes'.
Besides, Sharpton and Soetoro told them it was "Justified". Where is the Justice in the looting, burning and pillaging of hard working business folks property and goods?
There wasn't any...
But that was exactly what Soetoro, the NAACP, the Black Congressional Caucus and the Media wanted. Ferguson has an exonerated brave Police Officer but lost their town to thugs and community organizers.
So whats not to like about that? -
11/26/14, 3:02 PM
- Unknown said...
"Minority-owned businesses"? The NERVE of them, being minorities and being in business! Just who do they think they are? Everybody knows that businesses EXPLOIT the community. These "minority business people" should be on welfare like everybody else!
11/26/14, 10:24 PM
Anonymous said...
Once they cross the line and strike out on their own seeking to become independent and self reliant they are no longer considered to be black.
Just like Mia Love they are benefiting from their white privilege.
11/27/14, 11:30 PM