Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Judis Priest!

A few days ago, John Judis, the co-author of the book on every liberal’s bookshelf, The Emerging Democratic Majority, took to the pages of National Journal to write an article called The Emerging Republican Advantage.

Hilarity Ensues ...

So, who does Judis think can win consistently for Republicans. No surprise: RINOs.

It now appears that, in some form, the Republican era which began in 1980 is still with us. Reagan Republicanism—rooted in the long-standing American distrust of government, but perhaps with its roughest theocratic and insurrectionary edges sanded off for a national audience—is still the default position of many of those Americans who regularly go to the polls. It can be effectively challenged when Republicans become identified with economic mismanagement or with military defeat. But after the memory of such disasters has faded, the GOP coalition has reemerged—surprisingly intact and ready for battle.

What Judis elides over and dismisses is the fact that [Full]

In a world where there are three parent babies, this flip-floppery is normal.


Anonymous said...

How can the above map not be the greatest argument for the return to true Federalism. You know, "Free and independent states." Had we stuck to Mr. Jefferson's blueprint, we would be having none of this bullshit. Shame. -Anymouse

"In America, we celebrate the ideals of Thomas Jefferson, but we live in Hamilton's nation." -George Will

Homer said...

What is it I'm missing about northern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona? Why are those areas deep blue?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"Why are those areas deep blue?"

Underpopulated areas vote 100% Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Also, NE AZ is the rez...

Kim du Toit said...

Overlay a graph for per capita income, and there's a direct correlation between rural Blue areas and poverty (e.g. Rio Grande, NE AZ, most of NM etc). Ditto high-income urban areas (Manhattan, Montauk, Chicago's Gold Coast, Marin county etc). All those vote Democrat. But Middle America (geographical and economical) is Republican.

Darrell said...

There's a split in Colorado--the blue southern parts are, yeah, relatively poor and Dem. The northern part is just plain libtard, i.e., Californians.

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