scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, December 18, 2015
X,Y,Z 2
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
We need a good plague, one that targets these weak-minded ingrates. That, or maybe right-wing death squads…
Caballero Andante -
12/18/15, 10:23 AM
- Sonoboy said...
Here's another offensive word for those weenies...COCKPIT. Now, they've managed to change that to 'Flightdeck' on multi-pilot platforms in the civilian world. I don't know how an all-female crew piloting a C-17 refers to the 'control space' but would be interested in first-hand knowledge if you're out there. I'd like to think any female flight crew in the military would be head and shoulders above the liberal feminist types, but I dunno...
12/18/15, 10:30 AM
Anonymous said...
You're Velcome
-Anymouse -
12/18/15, 2:42 PM
- Unknown said...
@sonoboy: years ago I was on a flight with an all-female flight crew. During the preflight chatter in which the pilot introduced herself and the rest of the crew, she commented "And on this flight the area where we fly the plane is not called the cockpit, it is the hen house. I almost fell out of my seat laughing--the other passengers around me obviously appreciated the humor as well.
12/18/15, 2:50 PM
Anonymous said...
My first woman pilot in the early 90s commented about the future and the eventual all female crew. We had a 12 'man' crew back then in the P-3 world. She laughed the loudest when I pointed out it would be ugly until their cycles lined up.
Tim -
12/19/15, 4:15 PM
- Sonoboy said...
I had one flight on a P-3 Charlie out of NAS Jacksonville in '75. Checking my logbook just now, it was 10-1/2 hours! Since I was an AW on an S-3A out of NAS Cecil Field, I was used to much shorter flights. It was a cross training flight just to give us an idea of the capabilities of our land-based brethren. It was nice being able to walk around, but the stiff-winged design of the P-3 transmitted every little bit of turbulence, if memory serves.
12/20/15, 12:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Rodger on the stiff wing. I have 7000hrs in those rough riding hogs Sonoboy!
Tim -
12/20/15, 12:09 PM