Friday, June 24, 2016

belly button cheese?

4 Signs That We've Gone Too Far


Juice said...

I don't know why my mind went this way but I have a song for each one of the pictures:
1.) Weird Al Yankovic "Eat It"
2.) Queen "Bicycle"
3.) Judy Garland "Somewhere Over The Rainbow"
4.) Four Tops "Reach Out I'll Been There"

Rodger the Real King of France said...

#4 "Judy's turn to cry "

Juice said...

Good song!
If there's a Juice's turn to cry, it's scheduled for Aug. 9, (ouch) lol

Anonymous said...

#4 Touch me in the morning, then just walk away

Juice said...

Anonymous : 6/24/16, 4:51 PM
You win. So far.

Anonymous said...

Fletch singing 'Moon River'.

Anonymous said...

"I'm diggin' up bones, I'm diggin' up bones
Exhuming things that's better left alone
I'm resurrecting memories of a love that's dead and gone
Yeah tonight I'm sittin' alone diggin' up bones"...
Everybody sing along!

Brian E. said...

Please, Please, PLEASE - tell me that the 4th picture is some sort of training device. For DOCTORS, I mean!

Anonymous said...

Oh, we're sure it's a training device for doctors, but we're equally sure that's just a byproduct of what it was actually invented for.

"I quit going to that proctologist when he said 'Take off your trousers and put them over there -- next to mine'!"

Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku

P.S. We're betting that the inventor of that device has his own float in the "Gay Pride" parade...

Sonoboy said...

Just call me anal of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Take off your trousers and put them over there -- next to mine'!"

Okay. Nose milk.

Anonymous said...

"When it gets too hot for comfort, and you can't get an ice cream cone
't ain't no sin to take off your skin, and dance around in your bones"

rwnutjob said...

My Doc said: "Let me assure you there are two people in this room who don't particularly enjoy this procedure."

pdwalker said...

"...luckily, I'm not one of them"

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