scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, June 02, 2016
Tats - Oy Vey
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Unknown said...
I remember working the Bloomsburg Fair for some 10 yrs. (roughly '85 to '95). We Pitchmen, because we had mics and speakers, could call out to one another over the heads of the crowd up and down the length of the exhibit hall. A running gag was:
"Hey, I think we're starting to get a higher-class crowd; I just spotted a couple of guys without earrings!"
"I think you're right; I just spotted a couple of women without tattoos!" -
6/2/16, 10:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Tell it Stu, down in Florida every 18 year old girl has a sleeve tat along with hand and neck tats. I was talking to a young employee a few years ago and a kid came up to the counter with a big neck tat. When he left my employee said "did you know that's a $30,000.00 tatoo?" What, proclaims me? "Yep, he'll never make more than 30 grand his entire life with that thing." I gave that guy a raise. -Anymouse
6/2/16, 10:57 AM
- JLW III said...
Look Here for a manager's guide to Tattoos.
6/2/16, 3:24 PM
- Skoonj said...
I don't have any tattoos. I might consider one if I can find a design with a Brooklyn Dodgers theme.
6/2/16, 4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't call them tats. I call them toos. Cause most people get them because they "want one too".
6/2/16, 9:08 PM
FishStyx said...
JLW - Absolutely spot-on graphic!
I have zero skin art. Not a big fan of any "identifying characteristics" that I wasn't born with.
In my experience, every person I have ever met that was wearing ink (with the exception of military-related tattoos) was "damaged" in some way and looking to fill some gap in themselves.
This is NOT to say that they were "bad" people or that I didn't personally respect the hell out of some of them, but every one of them seems to have had some "hole" in themselves that they were trying to fill.
Bankers, bikers, bar girls, IT geeks, cops.... All of 'em were trying to add something that they felt was missing.
I also think that's why you see so many "tattoo junkies".
"The last one didn't quite scratch that mental itch, so I'm gettin' another one."
...just a little mental musing here....
6/2/16, 9:42 PM
Walter said...
I always figured it's best to completely avoid a female with tattoos - if she has so little respect for her own body that she'll abuse it like that I'm afraid of what she might do to mine.
6/3/16, 4:40 AM
Anonymous said...
This tattoo craze kills me. I'm a 57 year old ex Navy guy and served in West Pac (Phillippines) in the late 1970's and I came back stateside with no ink on my skin. I always joke that I was gonna get a tattoo one night in Olongapo but someone stepped on my fingers while I was crawling down the sidewalk to the Tatoo Parlor (I.e. Drunk off my ass)...
6/3/16, 7:47 AM
Cheesy said...
A huge penis is the only "identifying characteristic" I seem to have needed.....
6/3/16, 1:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Cheesy said...
"A huge penis is the only "identifying characteristic" I seem to have needed….."
That, and your impressive sense of modesty and decorum…
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
6/3/16, 8:23 PM