Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Coal and Water Crimes


Last Friday, President Obama ordered that well over half a million — 582,578 — square miles off the coast of Hawaii be seized as property for the federal government. Now a “national marine monument,” large swaths of the Hawaiian coast are off limits to commercial fishing.

This is a huge blow to commercial fishermen in Hawaii, who are not happy that they will be barred from fishing in over 60 percent of the water off of the islands. The Associated Press talked to Edwin Ebiusi Jr. of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, who said “Today is a sad day in the history of Hawaii’s fisheries and a negative blow to our local food security.”

“Sean Martin, president of the Hawaii Longline Association, said his organization was disappointed Obama closed an area nearly the size of Alaska without a public process,” the AP reports.

Martin’s point is on the money: When the president seizes huge tracts of land or water in the name of “public good,” the American people get no say and merely limited access to that land. [FULL]

*Note: It's speculated that Obama's motivation here is to keep hidden his buried immigration records.  Just sayin'.

Which brings to mind  "The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff " perpetrated by our last criminal administration (which, btw, included one Hillary Rodham Clinton).  Ahem.


Helly said...

Locals gripe every time a national park or monument is established. I would too. But as a hiker and diver, non-commercial access to these areas is an enormous benefit to me.

Also, $12 - $40/pound seafood is not buying these fishermen any sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Blind pig and acorn. This is a good move.

And long-lining is very very bad practice.

Prince Matchabelli

OregonGuy said...

Don't forget the lock up of the groundfish industry attempted by Clinton crony Donald Tyson, who was involved in several schemes to corner markets through influence with the Clintons:





Pure coincidence...and I don't remember.

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