scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, January 27, 2017
Campi Radicals
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
I have a family member who recently went on a Fakebook rant and finished by telling everyone who voted for Trump to unfriend themselves, they weren't wanted. I asked my wife if she commented "Build That Wall!"
Youngest daughter is a pussyhatter. Her Mom and I find a great deal of humor in asking her questions that poke her lib views where they conflict with each other. Big Obamacare fan, but isn't buying it because it's too expensive and cheaper to pay the fine... can hardly wait to tell her Trump just signed an exec order telling the IRS not to collect the ObamaFines.
I love the smell of winning in the morning... -
1/27/17, 9:52 AM
Anonymous said...
"Pussyhatter"! I love it! It's even way better than "snowflake".
1/27/17, 11:53 AM
Anonymous said...
If the pussyhat is somehow symbolic of a woman's ladyparts, then while she's wearing it, isn't she the female equivalent of a dickhead?
1/27/17, 1:46 PM
- Eat Like Schmidt said...
....or 'Teabagger'....Mia Love gave a great speech at the March for Life today. I could not attend, but my son did and also said VP Pence was impressive.
1/28/17, 12:11 AM
Anonymous said...
"If the pussyhat is somehow symbolic of a woman's ladyparts, then while she's wearing it, isn't she the female equivalent of a dickhead?"
Yes. Yes she is. So nice when they self-identify. And it's too bad the douche bags kept falling off their heads. That would have provided amusing video for years to come. -
1/28/17, 11:52 AM
- Sonoboy said...
RE: the graphic: Her face could set a thousand ships afloat...in the opposite direction. It's only right her mother directed her to embrace a life of "Journalism" thinking she would find happiness among her own kind. Oh well, her child would have been ugly anyway...It's one one those times we actually question our stance on abortion.
1/29/17, 12:57 AM